Copyright (c) Dr. FangLang 1997-1999

Some Data on cartoonists

Here are some data on cartoonists.
In USA, cartoon publishers show readers data on cartoonists.
However Japanese cartoon publishers hide data on cartoonists.
It is unfair.
We Japanese should also know data on cartoonists.
Recently I got some data on two cartoonists.
The two are very famous.

One is Ms Yuko Asami. The other is Mr. Nobuhiro Watsuki.

They work for The Weekly Shounen Jump published by Shueisha.

Ms Yuko Asami

She is a very popular cartoonist in Japan. She has drawn many titles in The Weekly Shounen Jump for many years. She is famous for "Wild Half." Her cartoons are very pretty.
She was born in Saitama Prefecture on 12/22/1966.
Of course, she is younger than I.

Mr. Nobuhiro Watsuki

Of course, he draws "Rurouni Kenshin." But most of fans do not know his personal data.
I have been a fan of Kenshin for many years. So I got his personal data at last.
Nobuhiro Watsuki was born in Niigata Prefecture on 05/26/1970.
He is younger than I.
His blood type is A.
His main works are as follows;

1993; Hokuriku Ghost Tale

Other small works: Rurouni (a proto-type of Rurouni Kenshin), Sengoku No Mikaduki (a proto-type of Seijurou Hiko)

1994-1999; Rurouni Kenshin
1997; Meteo-Strike

He was an assistant for Takeshi Obata, who drew "Jinn Adventure Tale - Lamp-Lamp."
Now Mr. Takeshi Obata draws a cartoon "Hikaru's Go." It deals Chinese ancient game "Go". One day, in modern Japan, an ancient Japanese ghost "Sai" appeared in front of a boy. The ghost mede the boy "Hikaru" play Go.
However thereafter Hikaru could play "Go" for himself. In front of Hikaru, two rivals appeared. The original novel was written by Yumi Hotta.


Formerly CLAMP's profile was available.
But at present, CLAMP's profile was hidden.
Hidden profile is as follows;

  1. Nanase Ohkawa
    She was born on 05/02/1967.
    Her blood type is A.
    She is responsible for script, direction, cover design, planning and sales.
  2. Mokona Apapa
    She was born on 06/16/1968.
    Her blood type is A.
    She does the characters, difficult backgrounds, page lay-out and composition.
  3. Mick Nekoi
    She was born on 01/21/1969.
    Her blood type is 0.
    She is both art director and art assistant. She is also responsible for tone works.
  4. Satsuki Igarashi
    Her birthday is 02/08/1969.
    Her blood type is A.
    She is the production coordinator and drawing and design assistant.
    She is also the cook!

Of course their latest work is "Angelic Layer."

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