Adventure/Colossal Cave Home Page

[Walk Through]
I designed this site to enable those of us who are having difficulty in solving Adventure / Colossal Cave to work together to solve the game.
This is not a hints site, and there is no spoiler space. Information is presented as fully as I can, though the information in the walk through tends to be less detailed and that in the object, people, and places pages to be more detailed.
If you have any information you would like to share or questions you would like to ask, or if you notice any mistakes, then please select Feedback on this or any of the other pages to let me know.
Selecting Files will enable one to download a zipped copy of these pages, and other walkthroughs. Introduction takes you to some brief information on the game and how it is played. Links , obviously enough, enables you go to some other Adventure / Colossal Caves sites.Objects takes you to an alphabetical listing of the objects and people in the game, their location, and their uses. Places takes one to an alphabetical listing of the locations in the game, how to get there and where they lead, and what might be found there. Selecting Walkthrough takes one to a brief narrative account of where I am in the game so far. Please let me know if there are any mistakes, or if there was a more efficient way of solving the game.

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