Hello, and welcome to SmilinB0B's Illustrated Battle Reports! I am SmilinB0B, and have been a Mage Knight player since September 2001. Here you will find battle reports of many of the MK games that my friends and I play. Hope you enjoy them! Feel free to drop me a line if you have any suggestions, or if you want me to post the pictures of one of your battles.

February 2, 2003

Magna Draconum vs. Mortis Draconum

Our first ever posted battle has Reece's Trollkiller/Magna Draconum army squaring off against Ryan's Mortis Draconum and pair of War Hatchetkruggs***. It was a tough battle, but in the end, the Kruggs were just too much for Reece.

Knights Immortal vs. Orc Raiders

Reece and Bob's Knights Immortal infantry battles Ryan and Dan's Orc Hordes. This one was shaping up to be a real brawl, but in the end, we ran out of time and there was no winner decided.

February 9, 2003

Therenody/Reapers vs. Bladesmith Draconum/Galeshi Dervishes

In this battle, Bob's new favorite unique, Therenody, with the aid of two Reapers and a Channeler, takes on a Bladesmith Draconum, Horned Hatchetkrugg***, and some Galeshi Dervishes, fielded by Ryan. Bob's mounts are way too much for the Drac and Rebels to handle, and they get their butts handed to them.
Winner: Bob

Orcs vs. Venomous Shadow Dragon

Bob and Dan take control of a hoarde of orcs and test their skill against an Ancient Venomous Shadow Dragon (VSD). The Dragon took out a couple of orcs right away, but was eventually overwhelmed by the Orc Raiders.
Winners: Bob & Dan

February 16, 2003

EL Range/Centaur Champ vs. Thunderdoom Trolls/EL Chargers

Two Elemental League armies are involved in this game. Bob uses a Troll Artillerist**, Troll Gunner*, Medicine Troll* formation, and a Centaur Champion. Ryan uses a Thunderdoom Troll, Unicorn Bladesman*, Centaur Lieutenant***, and some support. The ranged trolls triumph, however.
Winner: Bob

February 25, 2003

Neo-Bone Toss vs. Atlantis Guild

Bob debuts his Neo-Bone Toss strategy against Dan's Atlantis Guild figures. The Zombie Baron-centered bone toss engine takes on a Xandressan Boarder and friends. Neither player was happy with the outcome of the battle, though, becuase Bob didn't feel he played well and Dan thought he had a victory taken away from him.
Winner: Bob

February 26, 2003

Neo-Bone Toss vs. Chieftan/Boarder/War Hatchetkrugg

In the second ever battle of Bob's new bone toss strategy, he uses a different build. He uses the Technomancer/Grave Robber Bone-Toss Engine instead of the Zombie Baron/Soul Stealer combo. He also uses a Pyre Spirit in addition to his Skeletons. He faces off against Reece's new strategy of using unpredictable figures with dramatically changing dials. Despite losing his Pyre Spirit twice, Bob ends up with the win.
Winner: Bob

"Speed Kills" vs All-Toughness

In the second battle of a double-header between Reece and Bob, the "Speed Kills" army makes its return against some very powerful heavy-hitters. Reece brings a Weresabertooth, a Minotaur Warrior, and a Trollkiller to the table. In the end, Bob's speed enabled him to outrun Reece's figures, whose highest speed was a 10, and take them down.
Winner: Bob

April 27, 2003

The "TURRET" vs Nightstalkers/Seething Knights

The first posted battle report here on the site for about two months pits Bob playtesting a new strategy nicknamed "The Turret" against Reece playing some classic Necropolis figures.
Winner: Reece

Current number of battle reports: 9
Last Battle Report: 4/27/03
