
Ryan has been on a current hot streak, winning the last 4 tournaments in a row that he's been to. Naturally, Bob is chomping at the bit for a chance to hand him a loss. Bob is using his favorite new figure, Therenody, and Ryan is fielding one of his new figures as well, the Bladesmith Draconum he just traded for earlier in the day. It's always a good match when these two face off, and this battle was no different. On a side note, most of the pictures for this battle were taken by Reece, instead of Bob, who usually snaps the shots. Let's take a look at the players and the armies.


Bob's Army:

  • Therenody - 75
  • Fell Reaper*** - 43
  • Nightmare Reaper*** - 42
  • Solonavi Channeler* - 33
  • Elven Recruit* - 7

    TOTAL = 200

Ryan's Army:

  • Bladesmith Draconum - 57
  • Horned Hatchetkrugg*** - 44
  • Ashek Sandslayer - 45
  • Galeshi Dervish*** - 32
  • Leech Medic*** - 14
  • Imp** - 7

    TOTAL = 199

The terrain was set up as follows: 3 pieces of blocking terrain and one piece of deep water terrain (placed by Bob to take advantage of Therenody's range advantage over Ryan's army.) Two of the blocking terrain pieces were placed near the center of the table, the water was stationed on Bob's side, and one Curtain Wall was placed near Ryan's starting area.

Bob had won the dice roll to determine initiative, and on his first turn, he advanced the Therenody and the Nightmare Reaper so that they "covered" each other, but were far enough that they could not both be based by one figure. Ryan advanced his Bladesmith Draconum and Horned Hatchetkrugg***. A couple of turns later, Ryan's BPR was in movement range of Bob's Fell Reaper***, so Bob flew the Reaper into base contact with the Leech Medic***, so that the Reaper's rear arc was touching the Medic. Ryan responded by basing the Reaper with his Bladesmith, but the next turn Bob successfully broke away and flew to safety, dealing one click of shake-off damage to the healer.

A little later in the game, Ryan advanced his Dervish/Sandslayer formation around one side of the board, and his Horned Hatchetkrugg around the other side of the board. His Bladesmith remained smack in the middle, standing at the edge of the pond.

Bob's Therenody eventually maneuvered into Shockwave range of the Sandslayer formation, and then pushed to deal 1 damage to all 3 figures. He pushed in the process though, so Ryan based the mount and took two free shots at it the next turn. The regular Whirling Dervish missed Therenody completely, and for Ashek Sandslayer's weapons master roll, he rolled a 1, which was reduced to 0 by toughness. Bob in turn attacked both of the two afforementioned figures and hit them both for 4 damage.

In the meantime, Bob's Fell Reaper*** had engaged Ryan's Horned Hatchetkrugg*** after said Krugg killed Bob's Elven Recruit with one mighty charge. The Bladesmith based the Fell Reaper, and was then charged by Bob's Nightmare Reaper.

In the end, Ryan's weakened units were all finished off by Bob's mounts. His Channeler was undamaged the whole game (not even attacked,) while Ryan's Leech Medic was attacked right away. At the end of the match, after Ryan and Bob had shaken hands, Reece, Bob and Ryan were discussing the battle, and Ryan remarked that he thought the biggest problem with his army was the healer. We'll probably see another version of the Bladesmith/Sandslayer army, and you know Bob will field his "Speed Kills" army again. Keep your eyes peeled for a potential rematch between these two armies.