Still more romantic goings on...

DarkOneSailorP Sees things this way:
Ok, as far as this goes, I just want to say that these
are what me and a friend made up a few weeks before I
came to this site.  I like some of your ideas too, but
remember that these are just people's opinions and you
shouldn't get so deffensive about it.  I hope you guys
like my choices.  For the record (as if you care,) I
totally love Vegeta.  Yep, that's my man.  But as far
as number 2, it's definatly Anubis!  I thought I'd let
you know cuz that affects a lot of other peoples

Venus and Rowan.  Why?  I think they'd be really cute
together and they seem like the couple that would sit
in the park togehter.  You know, real lovebirds.

Mars and Sage.  I think they would be really good
togehter.  If she actually liked him, she would really
be into him.  He is kinda like her, even if it doesn't
seem like it.  He did say how Ully was in the way and
Sage is a very "I'll do what I want." kinda guy.  They
also could help eachother.  They are strong, smart and
he just has that quality of like an older guy that she
would like.

Sailor Moon and Ryo.  I know that sounds so typical,
but I really think it would be good.  Ryo can be an
ass at times (a very nice ass, i might add..) but when
he isn't all paraniod and depressed, he does have that
sweetness and she could fall for him easily.  Also, I
do think she could cheer him up too.  About that whole
Darien thing, I know they are meant to be, but I'm
just saying what I think would work between the two

Mercury and Cye.  Another common match, but I'm not
picking these cuz of looks (as in, hair colors, etc.0
and I also think these two would be good together.  He
is the calmness she needs from Serena and Rei arguing.
 In this case I think she needs a similar mate.  And
it's not like they look bad as a couple either.

Jupiter and Kento.  I know a lot of you will not
agree, but a lot will.  This was mainly cuz it was the
last, but also cuz of the way they fight.  Now, it's
not to bad either, cuz he would definatly like her,
even if the feeling wasn't mutual.  But even though
I'm not a main Kento fan, he really isn't all fat like
I thought, he does have a lot of muscle.  And I think
they could at least be friends.

Now here are the ones that were really fun! 

Anubis (*sigh*) and Catsy.  I think that even if they
weren't a couple, they would be good friends.  They
both had that cuteness and innocence even when they
were evil.  (admit it, Anubis had that cuteness to him
when he was evil and still a hotness when he was good)
 They definatly look good toghether, just to point
out.  Lastly, not to importaint as far as a
relationship goes, is that they both turned good
(After hearing about Pluto I do see how it's a good
match, and not just cuz I think he's hot and my
internet name is SailorP.)
Sekhmet and Prisma.  I think this one is good.  Even
if he is kinda ugly.  They are both ruthless and cruel
and love to see people suffer.  I know she would at
least fight with along side with him, as long as she
didn't try to kill him like she did to her sisters.

Kale and Birty.  These last two were hard at first but
then we realized that they worked really well.  Even
though Birty is sorta dumb/nicer (in a good way), she
would need a guy that is strong enough to fight a
strong warrior like Sage.  I think she'd be into that
whole "darkness" thing.  Not that she couldn't
herself, but I think she'd dig that ego a little.  He
isn't to bad looking either, even if he isn't cute,
cuz I know that she needs at least a half decent guy. 

Dais and Avery.  These two are pretty good.  I see
Avery with that whole pain and trickery idea.  She
might even like the fact that he tricks people to do
things like fight against eachother.  I also think
she's into his looks without armor.  He seems pretty
faithful and he'd better be or she'd bite his head

There is also the fact that the Sisters are supposedly
the opposites of the scouts.  If that were true, then
the matches would be:

Anubis with Rei, the only good match.
Sekhmet with Jupiter.  Way to mean!
Kale with Mercury, no way would such an innocent gal
go for him!  But if he was really good, then maybe.
Dais with Venus.  Venus is way to sweet for these
guys, but as for looks, it's not to far fetched except
for how evil he looks.

I think if these guys were good as long as Anubis it
would be so much easier to see them together.  I think
that's why it's easy to see Anubis and Rei.

Ok, lets pretend for a second that Rini is just there,
who cares who is with who and if she never existed. 
All I know is she would look cute with him.   Remember
when you are that small you don't think how little he
is, you will think he's cool.  She is a brat at first,
when she is lost and lonely, but she becomes cute, and
it's all ok.  I think it would work.  They are both
sweet and I bet they would be cute as a kindergarten

Ok, you all said Talpa and Beryl, and I thought so too
at first, but now I know it's Talpa and Metalla.  They
both are the evil leaders with no bodies, and then
took everyone else's bodies when they needed too.  But
as a couple, let's face it, these one's aren't
interested in love.

I agreed also with whoever said Saffir and Kyra would
work, and not just cuz of hair, cuz they are sooooo
cool and cute!  They would be another lovebird couple
when good, and I know they would treat eachother
right.  But the only thing is that Kyra becomes really
knowledgable when she is part of the antients caln,
and if this wasn't between the two shows then I
definatly think that Saffir and Prizma are better.

Darien and Mia, not really.  Age is about it.  Cuz at
first Darien was all about the cute chicks, and as
Tux, he was a dork, and in the future he is all about
Serena.  I think they would do the best in the stage
of him when he was not with Serena and he was an
egotistical jerk.  But cuz Mia can be such a dork, he
would dump he if she wasn't good enough.  But Mia does
flirt with everyone and it vaires.  First, Ryo, then
Sage, Rowan, and ANUBIS!  Well, it's ok, he dies
anyway!  Hehe!  Bye!  Hope you liked the long list!

SuperSaiyjin270 offers his opinon:
i really dont like to protest but i just had to have my opinion.these are 
what i think should be the match ups.
Ryo Sanada + Usagi even though their just leaders doesnt make them common.its
the way they lead.The way they lead is so common.they care for there 
followers witch make them more trusted by the Troopers and Senshi.they both 
care for there teams and would kill to save them.
Touma Hashiba Mizuno Ami i think people just put ami with cye cause their 
both water.but their arent any other ways to match her to cye.Rowen and Ami 
are common cause
they study more then they should and take pride in school.theirs armor ans 
scout suit are both blue.they have blue hair.and they care for their friends 
since its the first
time they ever had friends.also both their parent are divored and they live 
with their mothers.
Shu Rei Faun+Makoto Kino i think Kento and Lita would be perfect together 
Kento loves to eat and Lita loves to cook.she could cook for him and theyd be 
happy.they both love to fight and help their friends almost all the time.
Seiji Date + Minako Aino they probly would go great since they both like to 
flirt and
be idalized.they also were both the 5th people to be shone on the show.they 
have yellow hair and love to give advice.
Shin Mouri + Makoto Kino i have just 1 reason for them but its a good 
one.they would make a great team of chefs.they both love to cook and see 
people enjoy the work they've done.

your probly wandering where Rei is.i couldnt compare her with any one.i hope 
u like my opinions.Thank You
P.S Yuli and Chibi Moon is a really good idea ^_^

Lisa Parizanski writes:
My Idea's about the dates are that :
1.Serena and Rowen (They would make a perfect couple and besdes there both
cute together they seem like the cool type )
2.Rye and Kento (Rye's the bossy kind and maybe Kento can throw a rock on
her to shut up)
3.Ami and Sai (Because they both have inner strengh and the are cute
4.Mina and Sage ( because Sage and mina can look at each other because there
both cute and theyed probably flirt with each other if they get married)
5. Lita and and I don't know maybe anubis !!

Ryo can have Serena to I can't decide Ryo or Rowen??????

Chibi usa : Ulli Cute matchup ay!!

Jane Esposo Said:
This is what I think is right: 

Lita and Sage- They both have thunder powers, they like to flirt, 
and they like the color green. 
Raye and Ryo- They both get steamy, they have fire power, and they 
like the color red. 
Amy and Cye- They both are quiet and  smart, they both have water 
power, and they like the color blue. 
Mina and Rowen- I don't know why I put this, I just think they're 
good for each other. 
Serina and Kento- They both like to eat and they are both bimbos. I 
think that is all I have to say for the two. 
And last but not the least Rini and Yuli- they both are adorable. 
That's what I think. 

Someone else chimed in:
ok heres the deal my name is SAILOR SATURN. ok i dont want anubis cant you
ppl get that throught your little heads. I THINK RYO and I should go out
cuse hes my fave hes mine and we just go ok i say forget raye i could kill
her and hes strongest and i am too

lita and sage:both just sorta go green green they both are flirts get what
im saying here

serena and darein ok shes got her man hes ok although RYO is soooooo much
i find ryo more determind

haruka and michru they go out already no mind messing something already

mina and rowen i think they just go i have no clue why they just do

raye and anubis they both get mad easily and both think thier so much better
then others

ami and sai just go they have that smart and blue and water thing going ok

setsuna gets sekhmet cuse they both seen very strong although sesuna could
kick sekhmets but any day its cool



i think talpa should go with galexia totally its just got that really evil
thing going


*sweet little inocent angel look*

RusspOTvn announced the following:
Guess what I noticed that too and i also found a lot more things than you had 
listed you probably had these already but i'll tell them to you anyway.

1.)4 dark warlords=4 dark generals
2.)nephrite turns good=Anubis turns good:they both have brown hair that is 
3.)when they fight the main bad guy they both win by all combining thier 
5.)They both have those sign thingies on their foreheads

This was written by Kay of the Wind:
i saw a lot of Chibiusa and Yuli: because they look sooo kawaii
together. well, here's my beleif on that math up!
Chibiusa and Yuli: both are really annoying, useless, and most of all
let's leave Ziosite and Kunzite alone...
Nephrenia and Sekhemet: Nephrenia is pretty and Sekhemet is hotter than
Jennele (from the ice-skating episode) and Seigi: Seigi looks a little
TOO much like Misha
Touma and Ami: both would look SOOOO kawaii together, and their both
really smart.
Rei and Ryo: i think they would look pretty goo together. get out the
sake, Rei needs to get drunk enough to actually go out with that
insolent little- ^,^; uh...what was I saying? he...he...i wasn't
insulting Ryo! no...of course i wasn't! anyways, i don't care who you
pair Seigi up with, as long as it's me! says the following:
I think you did a splendid job of matching up the Ronins and the Sailor 
scouts. One problem though... Rowan should be matched up with me! The match 
up would be along these lines:
Ryo and Raye: ok, so they'd blast each other until one of them died... let 
'em fight fire wiht fire, I say... no loss

Kento and Lita: like you said, a match made in heaven!

Amy and Sai: quiet, calm, water-loving... what more could she want besides 

Serena and Sage: the hair, definately the hair!

Mina could have any ol' guy she wanted! She could share Rowan, I suppose, 
because she is my favorite scout... nah!

Here's another:
Clara Chen here.

Serena and Darien - A pair that was destined a
thousand years ago. And it's not good to go agaist

Amy+Rowen - They both are shy, have techo computers
for brains, and they're both dark blue all the way
(fighting outfits, hair, eyes, favorite color...).
Besides, I heard somewhere (don't ask me where) that
Amy's very prompt when it comes to waking up, so she
could give Rowen a...hand! Now that'll be interesting!

Rae+Ryo - Both are hot-heads. When Ryo's in one of his
depressions, Rae will 'cure' him. Yeah.

Mina+Cye - Cye is abviously waiting for someone
energetic and fun. Those describe Mina! Trust and love
goes hand in hand don't ya think? And maybe, just
maybe Cye can teach Mina to cook. OH MY!

Lita+Kento - I agree with you about the cooking thing.
They NEED each other. When Cye gets married and builds
a family, who's gonna cook for poor Kento?! He can't
exactly live with Cye. And Lita can use Kento to
practice her patience...

Sage is unsteady. And we can't have one of the scouts
fall in love with this angelic face and have their
hearts broken now can we? If they want a cute
boyfriend that won't ditch them, they're better off
with Heero (Relena, piss off), Duo, or Quatre of
Gundam Wing. Fan-fiction writers, make up your own
character. Non-fan-fiction writers, Sage is mine.
That's that. No buts or ifs.

Agree? No? I'm a bad matchmaker? E-mail me. I can't be
THAT bad, I'm writing a RW/SM crossover, and my pairs
seems to be fine!

Suggestions? Mail them to Me. (Be sure to include your name!)
Last updated June 20, 2000.
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