Welcome to Shining Force Legends! This is a combination Fan Fiction/RPG site that follows the adventures of the characters from the first Shining Force game (NA), plus new characters that are created. There will be an exstensive Fan Fiction section, where members will write about their character's past, present, thoughts, side adventures and more. The RPG will be done via e-mail, with each member writing another part to a continuing epic adventure.

If you would like to become a member, you should have some knowledge of the Shining Force world. I will be putting up info. on the characters, story and world on this page. You can also search the web for more info. You can stilll play one of the original characters from Shining Force even if you do not know as much; I will fill you in on the details. However, the choice of characters you can choose from will be limited (I need experienced Shining Force players for the main characters). If you wish to play a character of your own creation, there will soon be info. up as to how to do that. For now, though, I would like to fill the roles of the original Shining Force characters. I will soon have pics and images up for all the characters:

The Heroes

The Villians

Where our story begins...

How do I become a member?

The World of Shining Force Legends

This Shining Force Ring site owned by Lady Almalthea.

Want to join the Shining Force Ring?

Shining Force Ring made possible by
the Webring and New Dream Network.

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