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Home page

4-h.htm_cmp_safari110_gbtn.gif (138 bytes)Books pageGurps pageVGA Planets pageJoke pageOutpost 2 pagemoonbiter.htm_cmp_safari110_gbtn.gif (184 bytes)Links page

[FrontPage Save Results Component]

     What are you here for? 

This is my Home page. A Portal to my worlds. Tho most of these worlds are still being finished. I do have one or two up for use. Gurps and part of books is up. Sorry, for not having it all done. Tho this is a long time job. I will try to work on it now and then to fix up stuff. After being GM for my Gurps game I lost the motivation to do any work dealing with the site. Well I am back to fix that.

My name is Doc.  There is a little more information
about in the 'About Me' page below. I am the only one working on this site. You may have notice that the "Animorphs" are on one of my buddy site. The other doors lead to pages here on this site. There are more sites that I have just added. That may be on my site right now but my change locations.

And you may have notice that we used the same tool to make our web sites. We all
liked using FrontPage to make sites. The theme we have on all the group sites is called "Safari" with
each of our setting to go along with it. Each of us is try to find different graphics for his own site.
This site is using a "Fantasy" setting for all it graphics. 

Side note here. I am just adding on to what was here. Also one of my friends has left me his site also. So I am running two sites here. Some links are here on this site others are on the other site.

The best way to understand my world is to forget yours. A brief run down of what is here:

Home: Is this page.

4-H: Deals with my locate 4-H program and Information on it.

Books: Where I/other talk about the many Books we read.

Gurps: A roll-playing game that I am part of.

VGA Planets: VGA Planets is a game of space conquest.

Links: This is were to find all my links in one place.(Tho I have not     work on it yet)

Jokes: Where I put screen mates, Pet pages, ect.

Outpost 2: Where I put my team list

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Note:: This site is always under construction. And only get updated when I have time. I am not being
pay to do this. This something I do for fun.

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You may enter One of the doors you see before you.


About Me

About Me

Ideas or suggestions about the site are welcome. Send me an E-mail me


These doors lead to my buddies home pages.

Max's Home page

Tim's Home page

Door to Max's Home page.

Door to Tim's Home Page.(being worked on)