

Law of Lethality

From: Jim Ogle

Scope: Tharkold Reality

Back when the Tharkold SB first came out we came up with some suggestions for a this as an alternative to the hyped-up damage values and ridiculous power levels of the Tharkoldu and some of the critters (ie, if combat were deadlier to begin with the Tharkoldu wouldn't need unholy attributes to be a threat).

Problem Fixes

Damage Bonus

From: Outsider

I've run Torg at a lot of conventions and the most-often heard gripe from players has always been concerning the loophole in the combat system that creates ungodly damage values for an underskilled attacker vs. a high-defense target.
[ED: the attacker finds it hard to hit, but if they do (by getting a really high bonus number) the resultant damage is totally unrealistic.]

Underdog Rule

Acting value < Defending value : Use the MB system.
Acting value > Defending value : Use the Torg system.

[ED: using the MB system all the time requires changes to the combat modifiers.]

Ks Jim Observed that this can be repressed better as: Use the lower of the result points and the bonus number. Since the result points will only be lower if the attacker has a lower skill.

HL & Home Cosm dominance

From: Thratchen

Well, a High Lord doesn't need to bind his home cosm with stelae in order to conduct invasions. All he needs are

  1. a Darkness Device (duh),
  2. enough stelae to conduct the invasion,
  3. troops, and
  4. at least one viable connection between his home cosm and the invaded cosm - a Maelstrom Bridge.

The energy causing the conflict is from the home cosm; using the bridge, it spills over into the invaded cosm of its own accord. Without the stelae safeguard, the invaded cosm would respond in kind, and the result would be the destruction of the bridge (energy overload) and the physical areas in each cosm around the bridge, which explains the Tharkoldu debacle in the USSR - the Russkies cracked open the stelae network, and it came down to Tharkold's energy reserves versus ours, and Earth kicked Tharkold's ass.

If Possibility Raids depended on a dominated home cosm then Mobius would still be robbing banks. (Bear in mind I haven't read the Terra Sourcebook, but I understand that it sucks, so I'm disregarding it for now.) He conducts his Raids using a pocket dimension as an intermediary (according to the NESB, Khem is in a pocket dimension which is connect to Terra by one bridge and to the latest Empire by another). It makes sense to say that Mobius did this sometime after becoming a High Lord, so for a while he was conducting Raids from Terra itself (supposition on my part but it makes sense logically). Regardless of when he moved Khem, he still does not control Terra politically, nor does he have it bound in stelae, as shown by Mobius' slight tweaking of the Law of Morality (NESB, page 60): on Terra, the Good/Evil ratio is 90/10, while within the stelae bounds of the Nile Empire it is 60/40.

Stelae are needed, though, to raise or lower axioms or alter existing world rules or introducing new ones. (That is to say, a High Lord can tinker with these things as much as he wants, given he has the appropriate amount of energy to expend on it - but these changes will only take effect within the stelae network.) This is one very good reason for High Lords to bind their home cosms with them. Some would suggest that High Lords drain their home cosms - but stelae only tap the excess energy generated by possibility conflict, and without a second reality there is no conflict.



West End Games house core role playing rules

Possibility Points

A TORG character characteristic


All I'm saying is there will be one eventually. :)

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