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Science fiction page Space Station

I often wonder why science fiction attracts so many, including myself. Perhaps it is just a very fancy and exciting form of entertainment. Perhaps it is just the XX. century version of mythology and people simply need some myths and tales. Perhaps sci-fi is the natural reaction of the society to the age of science and technology. Perhaps it is a strange form of optimism. Or an escape route from the real and often boring world. I also consider science fiction an exciting mind game (since even an imaginary science fiction world needs to be carefully constructed from a small set of basic axioms).

Well, I guess that all of these have an impact on the great success of science fiction. Concerning myself: I can eat science fiction in every form and level including the most stupid soap operas, Hollywood-blockbusters, popular novels and easy humourous writings. But sometimes I manage to get to the higher level of thought-provoking literature. Here are some links to illustrate this:



Douglas ADAMS
The author who introduced humour to science fiction: the Hitch-Hiker's "Trilogy" is very funny indeed and the two Dirk Gently books are also worth their price. Adams is world-class entertainment!
And another one who did the same in fantasy: check out the Discworld novels for a funny Universe!
and some other authors for those who seek more than just entertainment in science fiction:
Try Cat's Cradle or Slapstick!
Stanislaw LEM
A Polish author who is probably the best or perhaps the only known sci-fi writer from the former Communist bloc. A great writer and a great thinker! The Cyberiad is a good start, if you do not know Lem yet.
Two Russian authors, quite as good as Lem. Their Picnic na obochine (published as Roadside Picnic in English) served as a basis for the script of Stalker, a must-see movie by Andrej Tarkovskij.
Go to my cinema page to get more information on the film directors mentioned on this page.

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