Hedgehog Page What a lovely hedgehog!

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This had to happen. A colleauge of mine has pictures of koala on his computer screen. A friend of mine is collecting all kinds of gadgets related to camels (according to her catalog she has more than hundred items already). I am a man of principles and I tried my best to stay away from this. But you must understand my feelings of old-fashionedness and lonelyness in the world of favouritism. So, after long hesitation I decided to join the trend and to pick my very own totemic animal.

You may ask why hedgehog. The explanation has its roots deep in my fabulous past: earlier I used to work in a joint Russian-Hungarian project and thus I met Russian colleagues frequently. On a nice summer evening I was having a chat with two of them (Marina and Katya, nice and pretty ladies) and they smilingly informed me that my name (József) was very similar the Russian word ( jozs) meaning hedgehog. I think my choice is now obvious to you and you will ready to accept that my ultimate destiny is to praise the Holy HedgeHog!

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