The Maoris of New Zealand

Welcome to the world of Maori culture and life !

    The Maoris are the indigenous people of New Zealand. Their art and culture are deeply rooted to their homeland. Beautiful wood carvings that adorn the huts and fancy fish hooks carved out of whale bones give the Maori art  their special flavour.

    Legends passed down from generations to generations tell of the gods that created the land they live in. The natural disasters the ancient Maoris faced are explain by colourful narrations of angry gods out to punish the people.

    Their history in New Zealand stretches back to the 12th century -- way before the Pakeha, the white man, invaded New Zealand.

    Today the Maoris remember their roots by teaching the young about the history of the Maoris. Annually, a festival called Aotearoa Traditional Maori Performing Arts Festival will be held in New Zealand.

    In this website, you will read more on the language, the art, the history and other aspects of Maori life..



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