Other Drinking Games: A-E

Here are some other drinking games that people have sent me, that aren't on the net anywhere yet.
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 15:10:28 -0500
From: "Nat J. Howry" (howryn@BELMONT.EDU)
Subject: Drinking Game

These are our favorites and a couple of extras (Tick and Talk Soup) that
we're working on. We like your page.

Nat J. Howry

"All Shows" Drinking Game

Whenever we see buttcrack 2 Drinks A guest star makes an appearance 2 Drinks Drug References (tripping, medical marijuana, etc.) 3 Drinks
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"Aliens comic book" Drinking Game

Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 11:02:27 -0500
From: Michael Powers (mpowers@mail.widowmaker.com)

I have a drinking game of my own here...could you put it on your site?  (I
don't have a website of my own)

AL()ENS comic books--The Drinking Game

Drink once...
	The story starts out with Colonial Marines being briefed
	...and one of them razzes the briefing officer
	Marines kvetch about "officers", in general or in specific
	Nobody expects the aliens to turn up in the spaceship/station/whatever
	A human becomes a host (twice if it's forced upon them by other humans)
	...and the shot has explicit psychosexual imagery (tube going down female
throat, etc.)
	Chestbursters do their thing
	A human (Marine or civilian) is cocky about their ability to handle aliens
	References to "bugs", "bughunts", etc.
	Evil corporate types want the aliens for use as "the ultimate bioweapon"
	One of the ECT's is a scientist
	One of the ECT's is a Slimy Corporate Jerk
	Military are involved in the above plot
	A Marine disobeys orders
	Human killed by Tongue Action
	Human killed by Tail Stab
	Androids are damaged and have white blood/odd innards shown
	The humans split up to go look for Aliens
	Someone pokes their head into an alien tunnel or confined space and is nabbed

Drink twice...
	It is graphically depicted that alien blood is acidic
	Some species of extraterrestrial creature other than the Aliens appears
	One of them gets used as a host
	Somebody kills a host before the chestburster appears
	Alien eggs are destroyed, individually or en masse
	"Eat this", "They're coming outta the god-damn walls!", or other quotes
from a movie
	Human forces take down aliens with no difficulty or loss
	Someboy commits suicide to kill aliens (grenades, etc.)
	The story takes place in contemporary Earth, rather than the future
	Crossovers with series other than Predator (Batman vs. Aliens, etc.)
	A "hidden" android is revealed via dismemberment

	More than three humans are alive at the end of the story
	A host has the chestburster removed, and survives the process
	A "cocky" human gets killed
	An alien queen is slain
	An android thought he was a normal human until he got ripped in half

Drink everything in sight if...
	They s**tcan movies 3 and 4 and go back to the "Earth War" storyline for
the next one

Predator add-on!

One drink:
	Predators use beam weaponry instead of blades
	A Predator attack comes out of nowhere
	The central Predator of the story has battle scars (missing hand, etc.)
	Predators kill Aliens
	A Predator uses a human phrase

Two drinks:
	A Predator kills somebody while cloaked
	A Predator dies or is killed
	Somebody gets that "mark of the hunter"
	A Predator takes his mask off
	Predator cameo in series other than Aliens
	Predators appear in contemporary times

Drink everything in sight if:
	They make an Aliens vs. Predator movie, using the Dark Horse storyline

Mike Powers	

Famous Last Words #179
"Well, if you didn't belch, who did?"

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"AKBAR AND JEFF" Drinking Game

Date: Tue, 03 Feb 1998 03:54:36 +0000
From: AD Ewing (ade100@york.ac.uk)

It's easy and fun! Here's how it's done!
Everybody gets a Life In Hell book and flips through randomly. Then it's
just a case of...

ONE VODKA AND COKE for every Akbar,
and ONE BEER for every Jeff.
(Remember, while Akbar is the one on the right,
Jeff is the one on the leff.)
BUT if there is NEITHER Akbar OR Jeff...
So beware!
Between rounds, each player must say the word 'ambivalent' nine times.
The winner is the last person who still can.

Cheap and cheerful - yet strangely satisfying...


"This dying is boring."

			-the last words of Richard Feynman

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"Dawson's Creek" Drinking Game

From: Rollerg1rl (Rollerg1rl@aol.com)
Date: Sat, 21 Mar 1998 17:17:27 EST
Subject: i have a new game

i think that a dawson's creek drinking game would be good!
here's some suggestions....
-Every time Dawson mentions Steven Speilberg drink once.
-When Jen is rebellious towards her grandmother.
-Joey climbs into Dawsons room. drink once
-Pacey gets a chick.-drink 1
-the Paula Cole song is on- drink 3 times.
-a rumor is out about any cast member. drink twice
-when jen isn't annoying, finish the whole bottle
-anything is mentioned about "growing up"

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"Braveheart" Drinking Game

Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 15:19:36 -0400
From: Stockton Tullis (stullis@sevsun.gtri.gatech.edu)
Subject: Drinking Game

My friends and I watch braveheart and take a drink of rum or bourbon
everytime someone dies.

Stockton Tullis
Georgia Tech

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"Animal House" Drinking Game

From: "Basse, Beau" (BBasse@MMREIBC.com)
Subject: drinking games
Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 15:30:45 -0700

You don't have a game for the greatest drinking movie of all time!
Animal House, in my and my large group of friends'estimation, has the
absolute greatest potential for imbibing large quantities of beer.
Unlike some of the other drinking games where you must remember when to
drink our version of Animal House is quite simple.
First you must own the movie. Once that is done organize a group of
friends, the more the merrier. On scrap paper, write as many charcters
names as people in attendence. Each person must pick out characters from
a hat. When your character speaks, you drink. Naturally if you are
Bluto, any facial expression (ie. moving eyebrows) you must also drink. 
you can add rules as well to your own amusement.
Let me know what you think.
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"Bronson" Drinking Game

Date: Mon, 08 Jun 1998 03:24:06 +0100
From: AD Ewing (ade100@york.ac.uk)
Subject: Bronson Drinking Game

Here we go with the OFFICIAL 'Bronson' drinking game... standard drinks
should probably be a Double Vodka And Coke (with ice) or a can of Crest
Ten Percent (if you can find it - I'm not sure it exists outside of the
Standard disclaimer about drinking too much...


-Bronson quotes from a movie and expects somebody to reply with similar
-They cannot remember the quote
-Dan shouts 'You filthy swine!'
-Al moans about a previous relationship
-Al detects a 'shag vibration' in the air
-Al says 'blatantly'
-Dan steals a sign or has a stolen sign in his room
-Bronson calls somebody 'my friend'
-Bronson mentions 'ale' (twice if it has a prefix - 'delicious ale',
'lovely ale' etc.)
-Bronson says 'Aha!'
-Bronson tilts head
-Ben does a Michael Caine impression
-Ben acts like a thespian
-Lee appears (twice if he is incredibly boring)
-Al or Dan scare somebody (twice if it's a girl)
-Al and Dan lapse into drug-fuelled ranting
-Ben can't get drunk because of Amy
-Matt gets camp
-Matt hugs somebody
-Matt declares lust for member of opposite sex
-Simon appears (twice if he thrashes somebody at a computer game)
-Mark says 'Damn, brother!'
-Mark swears

-More than one person gets drunk
-Bronson opens a can of Crest ten per cent Lager
-Bronson discovers new beer
-Al orders a Double Vodka And Coke
-Dan orders a whisky
-Mark drinks some Ribena
-Matt frolics
-Ben decides to get unbelievably drunk
-Bronson wants to get 'so drunk he can see through time'
-Sharon exerts a controlling influence on Mark
-Fi appears
-Richard appears (twice if appalling music is involved)
-Al attacks a jukebox
-Dan drinks a whole bottle of something
-Anybody goes to, comes back from, or is shown crashing a party

-Richard plays 'Temptation'
-Bronson states that a classic movie is 'not that good'
-Al gets anywhere

Brian Adeck
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"Evil Dead movies" Drinking Game

Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 11:49:22 -0500
From: Language Learning Center (llc@southwestern.edu)
Subject: Drinking Game

I noticed that you don't have any drinking games for Evil Dead 1, Evil
Dead 2, or Army of Darkness!  I've come up with a simple game that can
work for all three movies:

Bruce Campbell gets hit on the head (one drink)
One of the evil dead threatens death in some horrible way (one drink)
Some body fluid (blood, demon pus, whatever) hits the wall or floor (one drink)
The Necronomicron is shown on the screen (one drinks)
Bruce Campbell talks back to one of the evil dead (two drinks)
Bruce Campbell kills or cuts up one of the evil dead (two drinks)
Someone casts a spell from the Necronomicron (three drinks)

Chug your drink when Bruce Campbell makes some corny comment (you'll
know when it happens!)

This game is best played with beer, as anyone who plays this game will
find out.  It begins innocently enough, but in the final 20-30 minutes
you can count on drinking a hell of a lot in a very short time, so stay
away from the hard stuff unless you're feeling suicidal.  Naturally, the
object is to get drunk while enjoying some great camp movies, not wind
up in a hospital.

Scott Helmcamp
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"Exalibur" Drinking Game

Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 14:55:55 -0400
From: David Lintgen (david.lintgen@mail.house.gov)
Subject: Drinking Game

great page.  i noticed no game for the movie Excalibur.  a favorite of

this should get the job done

1 Drink:
Every time someone dies.
Whenever someone mentions "Excalibur" or "the Sword of Power"
When you see the Round Table
Whenever Merlin says or does something mystical
When you see Mordrid

2 Drinks:
When Lancelot kicks someone's ass(3 if its one of Arthur's men/4 if its
When you see the lady of the lake
When Kaye(Arther's sort of brother) says something stupid/annoying
When you see someone hanging from a tree

3 Drinks:
Whenever someone speaks the Charm of Making.
When someone "calls upon Excalibur's power"
When Lancelot gets laid.

4 drinks:
When you see someone have sex while still wearing armor
When someone has sex with a sibling.
When Arthur, Utha, Mordrid or Morgana dies.

5 Drinks:
When you hear that really cool battle music.
When you see the Holy Grail

Get a new one and finish it:
When you hear:  "Guards...Knights...Squires....Prepare for Battle"
(you have to turn the TV up really loud when this happens)

let me know if you post this
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"Dark Crystal" Drinking Game

From: "Burns, Justin" (aaojb@augustana.edu)
Subject: drinking game
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 14:56:12 -0500

My roommate and I developed three drinking games this summer and I think they might be 
beneficial to your site.  If they duplicate something you already have or are just no 
interest to you, don't use them

All three of these get you pretty juiced. 

to the movie DARK CRYSTAL 
One drink for the following: 
        Anyone says "gelfling" 
        Anyone says "shard" 
        The Chamberlin says "hmmmmm" 
        A new muppet is introduced by name 
Two drinks: 
        A muppet says something distinctly human (ie look in mirror, use a napkin)

Finish beer: 
        A camera shot not including a muppet is shown 

"Evil Dead 2" Drinking Game

One drink for the following Evil (first person camera angle) runs through the forest Any part of any person is possessed Undead appears Shutters rattle on the house A humorous one-liner is said Anything absurdly absurd happens (ie cuttling off own hand, blood gyser)
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"Boy Meets World" Drinking Game/"Teen Angel" Urinating Game

From: "Daniel Newman" (methoddan@planetquake.com)
Subject: Boy Meets World drinking game
Date: Sat, 29 Aug 1998 14:28:42 -0700

I made up rules for the Boy Meets World drinking game, plus, added bonus, 
the Teen Angel urinating game to play after Boy Meets World. (On ABC Friday, 
9:00PM PST) Enjoy, feel free to post this game to your page. It kicks ass too, BTW.
Drink whenever:
- Shawn says something funny that makes him look stupid
- Cory acts like a spaz
- Topanga acts like a wussy chick
- Topanga wears a tight sweater; twice if this sexually arouses you; chug twice if you are
- Cory's parents refer to each other by name
- Mr. Feeny looks annoyed
- Shawn's father sounds like a hick
- You want to nail Topanga
- Feeny gives someone sage-like advice
- The current scene takes place inside Chubbie's; twice if you think the name "Chubbie's" is
- Shawn ogles a random girl in the school hallway
Drink twice whenever:
- Shawn talks about growing up in a trailer park
- Cory behaves effeminately; chug if he and Shawn act like a homosexual couple
- Topanga and Cory kiss
- Eric acts suave; three times if he ends up looking like a dumbass
- Morgan actually appears in the episode
- Eric tries to pick up a girl; drink three times if he succeeds
- Topanga is gratuitously jealous and/or anal-compulsive
- Angela says something she wouldn't get away with if she weren't black, or that sounds 
like Ebonics (i.e. 'Don't start with me, you short little white girl!', to Topanga)
- Anyone makes a sexual reference
- A girl makes sexual advances at Cory; chug everything in the house if he accepts
Chug whenever:
- Eric screams; twice if he screams, "Oh my God! They killed Kenny!"
- Eric mimics South Park in any way
- Shawn cries, or otherwise acts emotional; drink again if you don't think he's a nancy boy
- Shawn drinks; chug twice if he and Cory are both intoxicated in some fashion
- Morgan makes a smartass remark
- There's a scene inside Shawn's home
- Minkus is on camera
Drink every drop in the room if:
- Cory gets past second base; if it's with Topanga, chug everything in the house, then go to 
the liquor store and get more
- Cory ever grows an attitude (i.e. tells his parents to fuck off, swears, smokes pot, blows 
off school, asks anyone for sex, et cetera, et cetera)
- Topanga is scantily clad (that'll be the fucking day)
This game is to be followed by the Teen Angel Urinating game;
Urinate whenever:
- Steve acts like a nerd
- Steve's aunt Pam says something funny
- You wonder why Steve's mom is an attractive ex-Brady
- You wonder what would happen if Marty was Jewish
- Steve wants to talk to a girl but is too shy
- Marty's wings are visible
Urinate twice whenever:
- Marty says something to the effect of "This looks like a job for...TEEN ANGEL!"
- Marty gets in trouble with The Head
- Marty uses his powers irresponsibly
- Jordan goes, 'Duuude...'
- Someone sees Steve talking to Marty and thinks he's a nut bar
Empty your bladder whenever:
- Steve has any kind of sexual contact with a member of the opposite gender
- Marty learns to keep his mouth shut
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"Daria" Drinking Game

From: Alice Grunstra (firebolt@cruzio.com)
Subject: Drinking Game -- Daria
Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 21:46:39 -0700

 Hi there...heh...great web page. I've never actually played any of the
drinking games on here, but I plan to when I finally remember to print
one out. ;) In the meantime, here's one that I made. It's more or less
finished. I might add some stuph to it in the future, though.

The Daria Drinking Game
by Alice Grunstra

Drink once whenever Quinn says "Mo-oommm!"
Drink once whenever a reference to bad attitude is made.
Drink twice when Daria smiles.
   --Drain the glass if she laughs. (This seems to happen more often in
the later eps...)
Drink twice when anyone swears.
   --three times if it's Jake ;)
Twice whenever Brittany twirls her hair.
Once when Kevin calls anyone "babe."
   --three times if it's someone besides Brittany (I think this only
happens once)
Twice whenever Ms. Barch calls someone a nasty name, tells them to shut
up, punishes them, etc.
   --Drain the glass if it's not a male.
Twice whenever Andrea (the girl in Goth makeup and the long grey
t-shirt) appears. (Beware--she does this more often than you'd think.)
   --Drain the glass if she speaks.
    --OR: Pick any background character that shows up regularly (e.g.
the blond guy with the pierced eyebrow and the skateboard; the girl with
black hair and dyed-red bangs who dresses in black and looks like
Andrea; the guy with dyed-green hair and lots of piercings) and drink
twice whenever s/he appears and drain the glass if s/he speaks.
Twice whenever we see Jane working on an art project.
Once whenever Mr. DiMartino's eye bulges.
Once whenever he yells one particular word for no apparent reason.
   --three times if he does both at the same time
   --Drain the glass if the wrong eye bulges.
Once whenever Mr. O'Neill messes up someone's name.
Once whenever he acts like a spineless wimp.
Twice whenever the three J's (Joey, Jeffy and Jamie) try to impress
   --Drain the glass if it's someone besides Quinn.
Once whenever Daria insists on being paid for doing something.
   --twice if it wasn't her idea in the first place (i.e., someone
bribes her)
   --three times if she doesn't succeed
Twice whenever Kevin calls Mack "Mack Daddy."
Twice whenever anyone calls Daria a brain.
Once whenever Ms. Li acts like a tyrant.
Twice whenever we see or hear anyone talking on the phone.
   --three times if it's Helen, Jake, or any member of the Lawndale High
Once whenever we see the inside of anyone's locker.
   --twice if they open it, but we don't see inside
Twice whenever Daria and Trent appear attracted to each other (not
necessarily at the same time).
   --three times if Jane makes an attempt to get them together or makes
a joke about them getting together ("Ooh la la! Is that lipstick?")
Twice whenever we see Trent asleep or when anyone makes a reference to
Trent being asleep.
   --three times whenever we see someone else asleep
Twice when we see one of Mrs. Bennett's confusing diagrams.
Once whenever Jake gets really upset over something trivial.
Twice whenever there is any kind of tension between Quinn and Sandy over
being the president of the Fashion Club.
   --three times if it's totally irrelevant to the situation (like in
"The Daria Hunter")
Three times when anyone sings.
Twice whenever Brittany gets mad at Kevin over something involving their
   --three times if Kevin buys her something to make up for it
Once whenever "Sick Sad World" is on.
Twice whenever Jane talks about watching TV.
   --three times if anyone else does
Three times when anyone daydreams, fantasizes, or has a flashback.
(Warning: This seems to be happening more often during the later
Once when anyone comments on Daria's room.
Twice when anyone changes their clothes.
   --once if they just put on something, like a jacket or a hat
   --three times if they wear someone else's outfit
Three times whenever we see Daria without her glasses.
Once whenever Upchuck hits on anyone.
Once whenever he goes "Rrrrrrrr" or says "Feisty!"
   --three times if he does both in the same sentence
Three times when anyone screams.
Twice when someone you've never seen before in the entire series enters
the scene.
   --three times if they introduce themselves; that is, they're not a
background character
Twice when anyone hits anyone else.
  --three times if it's Brittany hitting Kevin ;)
Twice when anyone talks about Quinn's bouncy hair.
Once whenever Quinn has a date.
Twice whenever Daria tells someone something about herself that isn't
true ("I'm an exotic dancer." "If someone named Knuckles calls, it's for
  --three times if she later admits it isn't

Suicide option: Drink twice every time your favorite character speaks.
(My favorite character happens to be Andrea, so I'm not in all that much


Tanaquil Furrfoot
AKA Caterpillar Girl
AKA Alice
:) The Emoticons Freak :)

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"Battlefleet Gothic" Drinking Game

Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 16:04:02 -0400
From: Michael Powers (mpowers@vt.edu)
Subject: [bfg-list] BFG Drinking Game

Here's a drinking game for the new Games Workshop tabletop miniatures game
"Battlefleet Gothic".  If you could put it on your site, I'd appreciate it.


*An escort squadron loses half its ships in one turn
*You successfully Brace for Impact
*You use a Reroll for a Leadership test
*A capital ship is crippled
*Something is hit by a mine
*An Eldar player fails a Holofield save
*One (or more) of your ships is damaged by terrain
*Somebody takes a damage point from a Fire they didn't repair
*Somebody succesfully repairs something with Damage Control


*An escort squadron of four or more ships is completely destroyed in one
turn (along with the drink above, so this can be three drinks)
*You roll doubles on a "Reload Ordnance" check
*You get a 'glancing hit' from a Nova Cannon
*Somebody (other than Eldar) is damaged by Blast Markers
*In a Ram, the rammer takes more damage than the rammee
*A capital ship is destroyed (other than a Battleship)
*A single bomber counter does four or more hits
*You use a reroll but the test still fails


*You get a "Warp Drive Implosion" (one drink extra for each ship crippled
by the blast)
*You get a "Bulkhead Collapse" critical result (one additional drink if it
does one extra hit)
*You directly hit someone with a Nova Cannon; again, one extra drink if you
only get one hit)
*You reroll a failed "Reload Ordnance" and it comes up doubles (Chug if you
rerolled an eleven and it came up a twelve)
*A battleship is destroyed (and all players must chorus 'You Sank My

Commodore Otto

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"Animal House [v2]" Drinking Game

Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 01:57:09 -0500
From: The Imbibing Irishman (pat.mccormally@utoronto.ca)
Subject: Drinking Game

OK, how about this. I know you already have an Animal House drinking
game suggestion, but my friends and I have been playing this version for
quite some time now, and it is yet to dissapoint...

The rules are simple as can be. You drink when someone says "the" and
you drink whenever someone says "Delta."  You can add more rules if you
want (we do every once in a while) but these two words are fun because
they are slightly elusive. There's always at least one person who's
caught off gaurd every time.

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"Eurovision" Drinking Game

From: "Joe Campbell" (ppyrjlc@nottingham.ac.uk)
Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 16:17:18 GMT0BST
Subject: Drinking game for Eurovision

Eurovision: The drinking game.

After seeing the music, each player selects a country that they think 
won’t win. Ideally, direction of choosing should reverse after one round, 
so the person who had last choice in the first round has first choice in 
the next and vice-versa. The countries can be written on paper so you can 
clearly see who has which ones when bladdered.

When every player has there equal share of countries, you drink when one 
of your countries is awarded points, according to the table below:

      1 point:     shot of water.
    2 points:   	  ”  	milk   or lemonade.
    3 points:		weakish lager, e.g Heineken, Hofmeister.
    4 points:   		medium lager, e.g. Fosters.
    5 points: 		strong lager, e.g. Stella.
    6 points: 		v strong beer or cider or weakish (7%) wine.
    7 points: 		wine or nice spirit that isn’t too strong.
    8 points: 		whisky or similar spirit.
    9 points: 		vodka or schnapps.
  10 points:     tequila slammer.
  12 points:     down a pint or can of beer.

For preparation, all of these shots could be laid out before a new 
country gives their scores.

The person with the winning country (who should have consumed the most 
alcohol, unless they got lots of single points) does a pre-arranged 
dare, e.g. dance to the winning song naked outside.

As a bonus prize, any leftover alcohol can be shared between anyone 
who ended up with nil points.
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"Eye of the Beholder" Drinking Game

From: AmyWanKenobi1@aol.com
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 00:29:47 EDT
Subject: Drinking Game

The Eye of the Beholder Drinking Game!

Granted, the movie was awful, but all the more reason to drink up-you're gonna need it!  Don't get too smashed, it's all in fun, Cherry Pepsi is an excellent substitute if you're underage (much as is the author!).
I refer to the characters as the actor's names.

Drink when:

*Ewan wears that silly-arse red coat
*Judd gets a new wig
**Twice if it looks like a wig
***Three times for every scene that we see her real hair
*Ewan uses some kind of high-tech piece of surveillance equipment
**Twice if it's to spy on Judd
*Ewan talks to that lady over his laptop
*Ewan is haunted by the ever-annoying apparition of his long-lost daughter
*Judd kills somebody
**Twice if somebody dies but it isn't her fault
*Anybody in the room verbally expresses regret over deciding to watch this stupid movie
*Ewan gets pissed at his wife for leaving him
*Ewan stares at A-the group picture with his daughter in it or B-that one picture of Judd
*Anybody rides on a plane
**Twice if on a train
*Ewan buys a snow-globe
**Twice if the camera zooms in on it to change scenes
*Anybody acts depressed
	**Twice if it's Ewan
		***Three times if it's because of his wife/daughter
*The film shows a complete lack of a plot

Ladies who want to get really smashed, drink also when:

*Ewan looks really yummy ;)

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"Blue's Clues" Drinking Game

From: Chexter@aol.com
Subject: I have a game!
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 03:34:24 EDT

The Blue's Clues Drinking Game

Yes, I am sick and twisted... but so are you if you're looking at this.

A drink is defined as how much alcohol one can consume in a second (counted
as "one-thousand one...")

Drink once if...

o Blue skidoos
o Steve misunderstands what the kids are yelling
o Anything says, "Hi Steve!"
o Blue "trumpets" a song
o The end theme is sung normally
o Steve shakes his butt (happens more often than you'd think...)
o Funky hand motion (per sequence)
o Steve loses Blue
o Background picture isn't the same as earlier in the episode
o A clue hides from Steve
o Steve says, "I just love to..."
o Steve uses a different/important-sounding voice
o Anyone uses the phrase, "Handy-dandy" (or variations thereof)
o Steve says, "Will you help me?" (ALSO happens more often than you'd think)

o Bonus rule (if you're feeling exceptionally sex-oriented): Anything happens
that could be taken sexually

Drink twice if...

o You actually see the snail
o The Felt Friends/Shovel and Pail/Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper show up
o Steve makes a stupid pun (double if only adults would get it)
o Green Puppy does something mean
o Cake is in some way involved in the episode
o Blue licks someone/something
o It's one of the "Dorky Haircut Steve" episodes
o You figure out the answer from the first clue
o Steve uses a big word ("trapezoid," "masterpiece," etc.)
o Wrong voice comes from a character
o Background picture oiso the same as earlier in the episode

Drink three times if...

o Turquoise (Blue's turtle) shows up
o Blue goes to school
o There are other outfits around with green stripes/blue spots (once per
outfit or item, depending on mood)
o Steve is wearing something other than his striped shirt (actually six
times, three for the outfit being there and three more for him wearing it)
o A minor character is sad/depressed
o Funky 70's disco music
o The end theme is sung strangely

Drink four times if...

o Paprika shows up (two more for each time she coos)
o The episode has a funky theme
o Steve tries to skidoo and runs into something

For true suicide effect, try a marathon and add rules for Face, the
commercials, etc.

By Jamie Haven, 10/4/2k

Please reply to this email at nira_no_kamo@yahoo.com
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"Cannonball Run" Drinking Game

From: "Paul Kilpatrick" (pkilpat@attcanada.ca)
Subject: Drinking Game - Cannonball Run
Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 11:33:49 -0500

Love your website.  At Xmas some friends and I got together and watched Cannonball Run, 
then Smokey and the Bandit.  These movies were just dying for drinking games to be made 
out of them.  We were successful in putting together a Cannonball Run one, however our 
Smokey was just a drunken mess after Cannonball was done.  So here it is... 
the Cannonball Run drinking game.
Whenever the sheik's intro music is played - 1 drink
Whenever the Japanese music is played (to introduce Jackie Chan) - 1 drink
Whenever the James Bond movie comes on (to introduce Roger Moore) - 1 drink
Anytime the Doctor's music comes on (the Doctor in the back of the ambulance) - 1 drink
Anytime JJ (Burt Reynolds) does his famous laugh - 1 drink
Whenever Dom Deluise mentions "him" or "he" referring to Captain Chaos - 1 drink.
If Captain Chaos appears - 2 drinks, and the player must sing "Dunh, Dunh, Daaaah!" (the battle cry that Captain Chaos sings when he transforms)
Whenever any girl driver lowers her shirt zipper - 1drink for each girl that does it
Whenever Farrah Fawcett talks about trees - 1 drink
When JJ speaks like Donald Duck - 2 drinks
When Mel Tillis and Terry Bradshaw drive their car into the pool - 1 drink
Anytime Burt Reynolds slaps Dom Deluise (this includes during the closing credits) =- 1 drink per slap
Any car spins out - 1 drink per car
Anytime the Sheik pays someone cash - 1 drink
Anytime Mel Tillis stutters:
    If Mel Tillis finally gets the correct word out - 1 more drink
    If he has to change is word - 2 drinks
Anytime Mel Tillis and Terry Bradshaw say, are holding or refer to a "Bud" or a "Beer" - 1 drink
Anytime Dean Martin appears with a drink - 1 drink
Anytime the Doctor sprays or injects his needle - 1 drink
Anytime Sammy Davis says "turkeys" - 1 drink
Anytime the 2 Cannonballers on the motorcycle are shown doing Wheelies - 1 drink
Anytime that both Burt Reynolds and Dom Deluise say "Foyt" - 1 drink
Anytime someone is pulled over by a cop - 1 drink
Anytime a new woman appears with Roger Moore in his car - 1 drink
Anytime that Roger Moore stops a woman from pressing a button in the car. - 1 drink.   If the woman presses the button - 2 drinks
When Dom Deluise sings the Dr. Pepper theme - 2 drinks
Anytime you can see Farrah Fawcett's nipples through her shirt - 1 drink
Anytime the Black guy in the pickup truck does an impersonation - 1 drink
When the Lone Ranger theme comes on - 1 drink
During the closing credit bloopers anytime the clicker is clicked - 1 drink.

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