Amy's page

My dedication to !Hyper!

Because Amy helped with this page, I think she should get her reward of having a page put towards her. Throughout this page you've probly seen more than once, !Hyper! or Amy well she is my BFF and by Hanson we did meet. Yes by them we met and are now BFF, no offence to Froggy, Prep, Sexy, and Posh my other BFFs, I'm still BFFs with them. All you guys probly think I don't have a life and I just spend it with people that have weird names like Froggy and Prep but the standerds are that we are one of the most popular groups in our school, really! We are friends to grunge, some geek, some prep, but we're mostly out going but they all got upset when I started hanging out with !Hyper!. I mean we almost broke up our friendship. I was even thrown out of the band that I started called 'Candi', and I was the co-manager. (Long story don't ask) But if you ever hear of a band called 'Soul Sisters' then remeber !Hyper! and I, ~*Hopeless*~. As I was saying about !Hyper! and I meeting because of Hanson, well (finally), I'll get to it. At our school we have a brodcast, or a small tv program in the morning and if you have good enough grades, you can be in Mrs. Cossel's first hour class. I don't remember exactly what day it was, (how rude of me) but I remember it was second samester that I picked up a Hanson book called 'Totally Taylor', and then I was looking through it breafly when it was snached from my hands. I thought it was one of the goof off's in another class that always come down and mess with the cameras and stuff but it wasn't. It was the girl that stood her ground when someone ditched Hanson.
"Give that back!" she yelled.
"Sorry" I said and went over to the cameras because it was my turn to be the camera person that day. (I remember that)
On and on we would talk about Hanson, she was and is a bigger fan than me if you ask me, then we ended up talking about other things and we found that we had a lot in commom. Not like little stuff like you both have an animal but like we both got sick on the same days, we both hate softball but play(ed) it, we both play soccer in every postion, and we both LOVE Hanson, we even went to Chicago with the band (school band), and we both have been first chair all year (well !Hyper! wasn't the last week of school), we have the exact same goal in life, I could go on and on but I don't want to waste my summer vacation doing that. Hehe! Well this is just my page for !Hyper! and if she wants to say anything then she can just use my password because she oveously knows it because she is the one that this is deadicated to.(well duh) Ok enough of this chitter chatter, I hope you enjoy our Hanson web site.

This is !Hyper!, or Amy, speaking and I would like to say I love to help out with this page and I feel like I'm worth something with this dedication page. We are truly what you call soul sisters. I would also like to help you out with any questions you may have about your web page. I can't guarentee anything though. just e-mail me. Well I better shut up know before I take up all the space on her page so bye-bye for now. I'm sure you'll here more about me on this page.


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© 1998 e-mail me ~*Hopeless*~
or e-mail Amy !Hyper!

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