Poem by Linda Fliege

Ancient images of you
As real as these still flowers arranged before me
Kept from days of glass
Along with broken shards and ornaments of remembrance
These stand on our cold bookshelves
Covered with dust and sorrow
They are as real as a memory can be
As brilliant and startling as today

You divided my heart with your graceful indecision
And wrestled me to the ground in grand nights of passion
You happened across my life
With a slovenly skill that disarmed me
And you knew it

After your crafty dissimulation of my heart
I am building a home in the garden
Where a tenuous peace
Trembles its unfamiliar vibe
While you yet reside in your great urban sadness

Having been your slavery widow for years
I turn slow eyes away now from the city
And your swift eyes survey all
Searching for possibilities in the dark hot streets

How do you dream and what are your dangers?
I invent some dreams of my own
I know my dangers
And I tango with them
Wind Dances

I want to be there with you
Hot street ambivalent ways
Drawing me back yet even as I say no
Whatcha gonna do about it now that I am not in your arms?

Am I missed or dismissed?
Is our life frozen in an instant?
One of those damn snapshots?
Is there not something else?
I miss you

Let's run back to those days on the strip
Maybe just for a moment
Dropping Orange Sunshine
The real summer of crazy love
Pancho coolness
No bummer trips for us
In our prime!
That was a time


Copyright Linda Fliege 1998

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