merchandise main showsdownloadwesuck

poor quality audio

if you are wondering what junk male sounds like now, and if your wondering if they suck as much as their web page, before you waste time down loading i'll tell you that junk male SUCKS. The sound quality sucks ass because of the limited amount of money that junk male has for recording (they barely have enough for band equipment).

our opinions expressed may not be yours


song                  description

pulled up this song is for the freeks, fags, homos, queers, losers, geeks and nerds

television and such media a song about the tv.

if these links don't work download directly

all songs suck, are copyrighted 2000 and were recorded at
mexican ruffian studios

tapes available from Life Makes Life Suck, Recordings.


[This page sucks ass, i want to go back to Canuck Punk] [ A Canadian Landspeed]
[The Ontario Punkrock Page ]
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