merchandise showsdownloadwesuck

anus-guitar, vocals,

The Canadian punk rock band with more merchandise than talent.

From 1998 to 2001 junk male existed as a lo-fi Hard Core punk band. We practiced in simons trailer in the trailer park of Palmerston Ontario every day. I think that we only played Four shows, a hand full of parties and a bowling alley twice. Merchandise was designed and manufactured by us, for our friends and the few people who dug our sound. And what we have recorded was all done by ourselves. We have 3 demo tapes out there somewhere and two songs on a compilation.
we never sold out, we never broke up, we just stopped........ until January 1 2003 the almighty re-union show new years eve..... we are currently looking for shows to play and are getting ready to record our new album.
junk male

there is now a "power pop" band called Junk Male. so don't get Junk Male confused with junk male

IF you have any questions or you what to tell us how much this web page sucks ass,
E-Mail junk male at

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