C o s m i c W e i r d n e s s . . . .
tally's mind of irregularity

"cosmic weirdness, man...."
erik von detton, "clu", so weird, disney

Opened: April 2 -- Last Updated: July 16

all you people can't you see, can't you see...how your love's affecting our reality...
every time we're down, you can make it right...and that makes you larger than life!

lets have a party...everybody...i like the way you sway...
lets have a party...all the fellas and the honeys yeah...everybody

'cause we're gonna have a par-tay...
so everybody can enjoy themselves with meeee...

there are addictions to feed and mouths to pay...

Hey hey, what up, ya'll?

       YO! Wassup dude? Oh, maybe you're not a dude. Chica? That better? No? Ok....Person. I'll stick with that. That don't work for you, too damn bad. :P
       So anyway. Dah, hi. Heh.... This is the results of my bordem. In other words, this is where I do my senseless ramblings. You may or may not care, thats fine, I don't care if you don't read it... Ok, maybe not the total out come of my bordem, cause some of it is taken away by my online buddies/friends. Some of the best include Melo (Did the duct tape help any? Sleep better last night? It was ALL good here!), Amies (Nicky's MINE, dammit! You get Brian, tru dat man!!), David (Friggin' BRAT! Cares more about him staying cool than me talking to my buddy whom I haven't heard from in YEARS! Yeah, you hear me Dav, BRAT! Messed up too...), GhostBaby (I need your HELP!!), Dennis (one of the only male BSB fans I know!), HyBriD (Hey boy! Thanks for the letter....and the picture...), etc.
       Hey guess what.... Nicky exploded in my room. Yeah, he did. (Maybe last night was one too many, eh Melo?) His face is now splattered all over my walls. And some how the best looking poses ended up near the head of my bed...Hm, I wonder how that happened...THAT shall remain a mystery... Anyway. Ze perfect one it right next to where my heads goes when I lie down, and Nicky's got this half stern, half silly look on his face, and pointing at the camera.... Dah, like he's silently saying to me, "You'd BETTER be dreaming about me tonight!" Oh, believe me Nicky, I will....I promise you that!!!
        I've kinda adopted the word "Dah" so you might be seeing that on my pages from now on. I picked it up from Melo, and I seem to be using it a lot. Same with words like "Bah" or "Pah" or something like them. Just so ya know.
       Ok. Thats all I have to say now.... You can go. Do whatever. I mean it. Stop reading this already and get on with it! Dammit! Don't make me come through there!
       Oh, one more thing... please sign the guestbook before you leave! Its at the bottom of the page. Thanks man.

I have a few things to point out before you continue on.... A few things you will notice in this site.
Ok, NOW I'm done. You may continue...

Whats New / Updated

Basic Stuff
Other Webpages I've Made

KTBPA = Keep The Backstreet Pride Alive_

: : t a l l y : :

Webpage design by: Tally Recher
ICQ: 9395545 (GeeBerS128)
AOL IM: GeeBers128
Email: GeeBers128@hotmail.com

Big shout out to all my friends:
HyBrid!!, EzFlow, Aimers, IsYPeEkAbO, DoMkAuSt, Tigge32577, Appiglet, Mo
And last but not least, my girls Melo and Frick!!!!!!!

IsYPeEkAbO: I just love how you tell me what I do and don't do.
GeeBers128: haha
GeeBers128: thankyou
IsYPeEkAbO: The feeling of control in my life has almost depleted.

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook
Relatives and teachers I know and school/class mates, PLEASE sign it!!
Pretty please??

since April 3rd, 1999

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