Weekly Song

  • 22 March 2001: Well, I'm settled into my new job now, and I've finally come back to reviewing a bit. New reviews up in the Aopotygma Berzerk section as well as the Red Flag section. With any luck, I'll finally get that Sequential review done that I've been promising for some time. Also on my plate are some more Cosmicity reviews, a B! Machine review and others, including a Various Artists section featuring, to begin with, the volumes of A Different Mix since, as far as VA songs go, they are as close as you can get to having a single artist working on them.

  • 18 September 2000: Moving to another state and a new job has turned out to be more hectic and chaotic than I imagined. I figured that a few weeks would give me time to get back into the swing of things. As it turns out, it's obviously been about four months or more since I've added anything to the site. And then, it's not what I've been promising to add at all: a Blue October section and a review of their first CD. Keep your eyes out for that Sequential section to go up soon as well as the next two Red Flag CDs (and another one is already out -- I'm falling way behind!) and a review of Apoptygma Berzerk's Welcome to Earth.

  • 20 April 2000: Added the Apoptygma Berzerk section and a review of The Apocalyptic Manifesto. Expect in the next month or two a review of their newest CD Welcome to Earth as well.

  • 19 April 2000: Added two new artists, La Vogue and John Foxx including a review of their respective albums Rebirth of the Century and Metamatic. I'm almost done with all my Synthphony Records reviews now, based on what I got at the big sale (look for a review of Sequential's Autumn Songs soon to finish up the set) and for those of you who've read my "Burning Car" selection on song of the week and have been wanting to read more about John Foxx, I've finally put that sucker up as well. In addition, check out the new Coming Soon section to see what I'm planning on doing next.

  • 18 April 2000: Added the No Decay section including a review of the first CD, Escape From Usual Life.

  • 13 April 2000: Well, trying to keep true to my word, I'm adding updates a little faster to really get the site prepped for the "grand opening." The long awaited review of OMD's Universal is finally up. In addition, I finally added the Shades of Grey section that I've been meaning to do for quite a while, including a review of the album The Longest Day.

  • 12 April 2000: I requested the site to be linked to the Synthpop Network which signals the official opening of the site, I suppose. I'll have to go link up to the search engines now. Yikes, that means more work! :-( I've done a little more anyway, since I want to get a few more reviews out before too many people start showing up. I added the Cosmicity section including a review of the CD Isabella as well, and I have a few more reviews planned for the next week or two.