
Photo's, Drawings, and Autographs

That I Scanned

Alright, I met this guy on the train ride I was on from Edmonton Alberta to Toronto Ontario, he's a member of a pretty famous Canadian band called the Rankin Family, he was pissed drunk at the time so that might be why his autograph is so hard to read. He's a really sweet guy ya Brian!

This is me and my adorable nephew Alexander Jordan, ya can call him Alex or AJ or as I think I might start calling him coz I like the sound of it Xander! hahahaha! He's 4 years old, born March 8th 1998, he's my little sweetie, he plays guitar too (not well but it's sooo cute!) how adorable eh?

This is my other adorable nephew Matthew, he's 3 years old. The story behind this pic was every time we had finally decided what to do (play in the sprinkler) Matty would say no, then one minute later "I wanna sprinkler" so I was standing there asking him to just put his swimming trunks on and he doesn't have to get wet if he doesn't want to. He's scared to death of water...which my dad tricked him and got him soaked later on that day, and he was crying in my arms for like 2 hours, it was soooo sweet!!! I love my little Matty to peices!!! He's born Feb. 8th, 11 months younger then his brother Alex.

Hey, who does this look like? Hmm...I believe it's the one and only Linz! She's in the middle, my friend Kathy is the one on the left of Linz I'm on the right. This was taken after the Matchbox20 concert in Toronto on May 15.

Alright, this is my drawing of Adam. I spent every lunch hour at school and just about everyday in french class and career and life class, and about an hour after school, everyday, for over 3 months drawing this one. It won a 1st place award in a contest.

This is my other drawing of Adam. It only took 3 days. But I worked all hours of the day on it. Possibly 18 or 19 hours a day.

Well, this is Adam...and he looks like Satan for crying out loud...When I first saw this picture...well...lets just say...I almost pissed my pants out of fear!

Ahh...this is Adam, Kathy, and me...but in the order from right to left, Kathy, Me, and Adam...I look like shit I I ever look good...NO!!!'s my newest pictures! That's me and a few people on my hotels swimming deck in Calgary

Me and a few friends in Calgary! (Shannon and me)

That's me and my friend Shannon in the front! This was taken this August in my hotel in Calgary!

That's my counceller Karen, me and my counceller Tammy's friend and fellow counceller Nicole!

That's me and my camp counceller Tammy...she was one of the greatest councellers I've ever had!

Wow...that sure as hell aint recent! I was I think 2 here...I was sick (I was always sick until I was about 7...and by sick I mean strep throat, flu, and a few times where I was hospitalized) I'm still alwas sick...but it's just a cold now! Oh...and it was Christmas!

Ok...I was a newborn here...less then a day old!!!

Aiight, this as you can see, is a picture of a bunch of toys on a couch, but if you look carefully, I'm in there! LOL

For those of you who saw that "Toga" picture, here's another interesting set, one of me wrapped in God knows what, and me in a bikini...AHH!!!

You've seen my nephews, now you see my sister, and my brother...don't worry, they don't look like this anymore!

There's my brother and sister again, my brother's hair ain't blond no more HAHA, and that's roughly what my sister looks like today.

Ack, my sister just has that "80's" do...and we all remember how scary the 80's were. My hair on the other hand, perhaps my idea of what hair looked like in the 80's...or I'd just woke up!

A "cute" little picture of me from when I was the ripe old age of six...hey, at least I didn't have my damn glasses back then!

Aww, my nephew Alex when he was just an itty-bitty lil' guy, and the best damn dog in the world, Boomer...I still remember that first time I met her, she'd been the size of Alex in this picture, the sweetest dog in the world

This is more or less what my brother looks like, as far as I know anyhow, this is the most up-to-date picture I have of him, and that was taken when Alex was still a little guy, I think it was taken in Sept. '94

Alright, alright, here's the "Toga" shot...LOL

Here's my grandparents! My Grandma died when I was eight years old, this is one of the few pictures I have of her...especially one of the few I have of her before she got really sick. My Grandpa's ok though, he lives with his girlfriend Jean.

For those of you who don't know me too well, this is a picture of something that I will never let be far away from my heart and mind. The Burning Of NBB. The past three years I've gone to a place called Northland B'nai Brith, and on the last night of every session, this is the scene you'd see. It's the most beautiful thing in the world, to be standing there with your friends watching the fire. This exact one is one of three pictures I took of it, from August 12th 1997, probably my best and favorite year at camp.

Now we all know the rules...ya'll gotta ask...I'm really very do the favour and be nice in return and ask me for the use of these photos...all I want to know is that you wanna put them up...and if at all possible a link to my page would be a wonderful treat ..::does little puppy dog face::.. pwees mommy? Mail Me!!!

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