"Oh, God Adam, are you OK?" Sherri said as she ran to him and pulled his upper half onto her lap.

"No, but you have to go on. Try and find the way back to our time Sher. And know, while you go in search of it, that everything I've done in this time, has all been done for you. I love you Sherri, and I always will, I'll protect you, be your gaurdian angel, so to speak. But you must continue on without me. For I wont be alive in a few minutes longer." He spoke softly into Sherri's warm embrace. His breathing was raspy and harsh. it frightened Sherri to think of not having him. "Dispite the fact you don't love me Sher, I..."

"Adam, I never stopped loving you! I've always loved you right from the moment I laid eyes on you! I thought that you'd left because you didn't love me." Sherri cried and held Adam's strong yet weak body in her arms. She was losing him and she hated it.

"Oh, Sher, my sweet, don't cry, don't make my last few minutes with you sad ones, I want to die happy, and seeing your smiling face would make me happier then anything." He reached up and stroked his fingers softly along Sherri, leaving a line of blood along her cheek.

"Adam, if we get back to our time before we'd all got taken back...how do I get in contact with you?" Sherri asked him sadly, she might lose him now, but she wouldn't lose him in the future.

"I still have my cell phone number in my wallet, I can't remember it anymore, I should know it, but I forget..." Adam said trying to reach for his wallet.

"No, don't move Adam, I'll get it when..." She couldn't continue.

"When I die right?" Adam said with a shy look on his bloodied up face. "I haven't kissed you in so long my sweet. May I kiss you one last time before I die?" He said holding her hand.

"It would be my pleasure Adam, my dear." She leaned down and laid her soft lips on his and kissed him and ran her hands down his soft and bloody chest. The feel of his kiss made everything seem perfect again, like none of this had ever happened, she didn't even feel the blood on her hands. "I love you Adam." She said softly as she continued to kiss him lips softly and passionetly. She felt his last breathe enter her. Tears welled up in Sherri's eyes. She'd just lost the man of her dreams.

Back in the year 1998

"Oh my God!" Sherri sat up as she felt everything suddenly come to a jump stop. She looked at her watch and saw it was 15 minutes to twelve midnight. She suddenly remembered about what would happen at midnight if she didn't stop it. She ran for the pay phone by the corner.

"Hello? Adam speaking." The soft voice she had lost in the past rang lively in her ears.

"Adam, are you outside?" Sherri said almost too quickly for Adam to understand it.

"Yes, I am, who's this calling?" Adam looked at his friends in a confused way.

"I'm someone from your past, get inside someplace now, or something very bad will happen to you!" She said in a cry as her eyes welled up with tears. She'd known he wouldn't remember her, he'd died, not lived, he didn't come back to this time alive, he didn't come back at all.

"What? What's going to happen to me? What are you? Some kind of lunitic or something?" Adam began to yell over the phone as his fear began to build.

"Just do it, I beg of you, I'll explain things later, and I have proof of what I'll explian." Sherri said glancing down at the wallet she'd taken from Adam's dead body in the past, the blood Adam had dripped on it as he'd died was dry now, and there were Dinosaur teeth marks in it, how could he not believe her?

"Very well, but may I ask, what is you're name?"

"Sherri, Sherri Gaston, to be more exact."

"I have the strangest feeling we've met, somewhere, in the past" Adam said, suddenly remembering it. He hadn't died in the past, he'd only been the first one of the three to come back, Sherri was on the phone with him, warning him to get himself to saftey! "Sher, I love you my sweet, get yourself inside before it's too late, you have 2 minutes left."


Character list
Adam Gaynor - Adam Gaynor
Sherri Gaston - SugarNHoney
Judy - Sparklegirl
Juliana - Meadow
Joe - BigEasy aka JoE
Laura - Lilone aka Pnut

Thank you to the characters who have allowed me to use them in my story, I hope to one day use them again in a sequel, if you have an idea for a sequel and also would like to be in it, mail me at Oaters@hotmail.com

See you all next time in THE ADVENTURES OF ADAM GAYNOR

story and series written by Amanda *Fine* all writing copywrite to Amanda. For any publications elsewhere please inquire about it, or face the consequences.

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