Yes, this is a page of Quotes.
If you have any that would be cool, especially if they're confusing, go ahead and send them to me.
(Try the E-mail at the bottom of this page.)

"The truth is just an excuse for your lack of imagination."

-some guy from Star Trek

"Success is a ladder that cannot be climed with you hands in your pockets."

"Trouble is usually produced by those who are too lazy to produce anything else."

"One measure of intelligence is the length of time it takes you to get to your wit's end."

"It is the weak who are cruel. Gentleness can only be expected from the strong."

-Leo Rosten

"You have to have a link back to Geocities on every page."

-Carrie Watson a.k.a. Greenee (My neighborhood super through Geocities. And shes only 15, whats up with that?!?)

"Judge me all you want, just keep the verdict to yourself."

-The back of a book of WinstonŠ Gigarettes matches.

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