White Zombie guide



1.MAKE THEM DIE SLOWLY (POOR) Released in 1989, this debut spoke little about the quality heavy metal music this band would eventually produce. Most of the songs on this debut album are indistinguishable from the numerous other wannabe metal acts of the 80s, all of whom used a deafening and distorted sonic buzz to hide their lack of talent. One exception is the opening track "Demonspeed" which hints at the powerful and rhythmic sounds to follow.

2.LA SEXORCISTO: DEVIL MUSIC VOL. 1 (EXCELLENT) Released in 1992, this amazing follow-up was a complete turnaround from the debut. The deafening and distorted buzz was still there, but it now resonates with captivating rhythms and tuneful brilliance. The horrorshow atmosphere of the first album returns in this album, but this time it was surrounded by music which was breathtakingly intense and technically complex. The album makes efficient use of samples from old horror movies like Night of the Living Dead. This album is exciting from start to finish. Rarely is a album so heavy yet so accessible.

3.ASTRO-CREEP: 2000 (GOOD) Released in 1995, Astro-creep is a fine follow-up to the band's addictive second album. The atmosphere of this album is more along the lines of a freakshow rather than a horrorshow, but all the thrills and chills are still there. All the intensity from the last album can be found once again, as well as the effective use of samples. While the overall cohesion of the album is not as strong as the second album, songs like "More Human than Human" and "Blur the Technicolor" prove that White Zombie is more than a sideshow act.


-White Zombie also has an album of Astro-Creep remixes.


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