the SelzerS Links Page

Relevant SelzerS Links

the SelzerS official page - This is their official site. It has pictures, lyrics, the latest news and shows as well as sound clips and other goodies.

I Love You & I Wanna Be Your Homepage - made by fan Joanie. You can send someone you love a free Electronic Selzer Postcard as well as other fun things.

No Easy Answers - This is a e-zine put out by a guy that used to go to school with the guys in the band.

Rock Dreams - this is one of the biggest mp3 sites. The selzers have repeatedly been tearing it up, having 3 of their songs in the top 20 most requested downloads. Help keep them their by clicking here.

The Selzers Onelist - Onelist allows people to make free email discussion groups. This is the selzers one, fan made and run, it adds greatly to the selzers experience. Join now!

The Ian T. Cartwright HomePage - Ian made a webpage at school (rutgers) for extra credit once. It is no longer there, but now it is reincarnated on my site. Everything is the same, except the link back here at the bottom.

Selzers MP3 files @

Review @

Review Of Bus Ride Home @

Bands That the SelzerS have done shows with
there are more that I haven't added yet

Ben Lee - Not only did he date Claire Danes, he had the selzers open for him!

Blue Logic - This is a band that Gary and Jeff were also in as well as gary's brother Jay (page was deleted off the TCNJ server, but it is reincarnated, at least in .txt form, here)

The Connells - The selzers opened up for this tvt records band

Evelyn Forever - This is a band that the SelzerS are always playing with.

Kid With Man Head - the SelzerS did a show with them on Dec. 23 97 also with Evelyn Forever (see above)

Letters To Cleo - Opened up for them too.

Pee Shy - Another band the boys opened up for

You Am I

Ben Trovato

Irrelevant SelzerS Links

If you search for "the SelzerS" in Yahoo! You come up with….

Realty World - Selzer Realty

Selzer, Gerhard - Architect - services include purchase consultation and project development; in German and English.

But none of the sites listed above in the Relevant Section…

If you search for "the SelzerS" in Excite You come up with….

Egosoft - A page in German, which I don't happen to be fluent in.

as well as…

Dennis Symons' Page (see Relevant)

No Easy Answers (see Relevant)

If you search using Lycos you come up with…

Egosoft - A page in German, which I don't happen to be fluent in.

as well as…

No Easy Answers (see Relevant)

If you search for Documents in English using Alta Vista you come up with…

About 19,295,089 documents match your query. (click it to see)

But the first 2 are…..

Dennis Symons Page (see Relevant)

as well as…

My SelzerS page

If you search using Webcrawler you get…

Absolutely nothing.


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