don't you ever get tired of habit?
i always wanted to be a ballet dancer.

ok, i finally decided to release these to heart was very tender in Malta for quite some time,
so be ever so gentle in reading these sketches of poetry from my sketchy (at that time) soul...*thanx*

For more pics of this beautiful archipelago *click* above.

in preparation for the trip, during the Shakespeare in the Park performance of 'As You Like It'
i dove into the night sky, with [Reflections of a Newspaper Junkie]


Traurig [an introduction to Maltese] Sweet the Bitter Aegis - Dagger, my Heart.
29 October 2000. Lija. evening.
26 March 2001, San Maison Ferry ride.
On an Evening at Derek's in Sliema. 02 April 2001
ode to a professor. 04 april 2001, valletta - on the curb.
the bleaching of limestone [and in short i was afraid]

ode to ancient existence
where their Maltese handicapped man
sunken in throat line of coin change
pearl of limestone rowing teeth

"Das ist traurig" 	and I'll expound;

Vogue? girls still young flaunting to try
to be seen to be the next Parisian scene
I Like Sexy Girls says the musky eye
of the bus driver

This is dirty .. 	so I continue;

Poke me here Draw on me here
I cannot seek the art inside so I'm painting
on my skin -- there is no more within

Dark alleys speak to this, 	the beer glass rattling
						always rattles		on...

Rock it out thrash the symbols of eternity blissful
bask and roll into the steel drums and oh the axes
no longer held by priestly sweating knights of protection, fighting
now the singers cut down all the fossil fuels of our hearts' outside

This is loud	and everywhere, so I'll go forward;

Push, wait, shove, late -- When? Now -- I want, want I want
	a husband of old age -- to last till death at a hundred,
but I also want what's best inside me
Your  wants of willing jovial conclusions 
most periwinkle -- the twilight of all a-loneliness
and yet This is beautiful -- singing isle I'm here, with You


Emerging from my room as a tree
  flips out of the whirling tornado
I'm all worn out by the music of silence
canons booming terrible fright to celebrate in
  the warmth of night    Jesus, Mary,
 and the Chinese accomplishment of
crafting something though you've already seen
hoping for perfection to seize all my errors
never wanting more joy than for your heart
to keep on going, keep on dreaming, keep
longing for
all, that you - whom you've, longed for

i want to hold you when you cry, tonight.


This is Poseidon's household --
Odysseus' Ocean of dividing
Further east, it was the maternity ward:
delivering up to Olympia the goddess of love

Surprising there aren't diamond cutter -
merchants to deal in excavating this 'water.'
the patches of turquoise are rare
but to be minded yielding to a cerulean
             which must be where the fish all live
because from day to midnight the bulk
of this -- Malta's Mediterranean -- is bright,
groaning deep obsidian with naturally
appearing - magically brought by the wind -
quartz crystal, representing the ebb.


but you're on fire
no it's just Lime. tequila, vodka, and --
he    is speaking of time
      there is no flame

peace to the dark soul which is
   that child in a plastic smock
thinning out play-doh seeming substance
    maybe some potatoes in shapes
shrill salt tankering liqueur for Tom's tongue

baby's in rank, peanuts crunch punch
   all over the floor  can we have some more
                       oh yeah, hell yeah, you'll
                       getcha some more"
goin craze with the bills
they're scrape payin' to the nines and not a penny more

Is This What It Was?

no way, babe you choke me : what a laugh
   echo in medieval pew. blue. dew honey?. fever-few.
Glu-ue?       I see    You.  whom relevance?

soul skin c'lipses in freezin' cold ocean bath
sponsor simple - take the heat off Sun's weighty
spares  -  arms, raying flight out
where? in India, cooked up as Dahl
What is the race about then?
Quince impressing Heav'nly Court
with room for one more silvey-gilded
Chair - unter a Natchez bottle tree
    Since Reconstruction the
     Bower scatter
  O Hammer me Hanging
 into dally dwindling
      sweet figure 8.

never too late


low flying pigeon twinkled by my ear of an eve and noting stone designs in
Republic Street that have been there all along I begin to doubt myself -- that
my dreams of the Southeast Pearl are far too misplaced, selfish --
that you would have doubts too, or at least underlying suspicions, at really giving me
your help, guidance, friendship
Peace -- I say it softly in that murmuring tone only needing myself to hear - MySelf/
to overhear...slits never in your eyes at rest -- tableaux to trust, it's that knowing smile --
Ahh yes, to travel and to explore the observation of thought,
to treasure simply a cafe au lait even in America.
for life to be as graceful as sharing a meal -- your recipe for health: to seek to BE.
understanding. (of yourself. all others & the way things work) untired of human research
- or is it the past? No questions asked. Thank you.


and what was it I just observed
(now, newly appreciated
a German woman with a toddling child
(beauty breathing, alive Aryan
and It must have made me smile
yes I'm sure, the kid, a smile

oh you, now that you know
of all my unseemly, untidy views
yet you'd remain - even
(wondering when I'd ever grew

the Coke machine, it worked today
and so things come full circle
despite the gasping wont of Bereford
my cherry flavored synapse coming to ease
I've got 'em rolled chief,
say there Johnny, I'm rollin', got 'em
stuffed and bagged and aching wrists say
I've got 'em rolled, now throw 'em
no water to parch my asthma's need
for the bar's not open - no whisky either
                       I shall suppose

oh how Lucija wailed
it wasn't the British who've failed
it wasn't just the British who
it wasn't just the English that failed
Jesus and I were in the jail
Jesus and       I            were

you know I'm not picky
I may not be thin, necessarily to be pretty
try not to be tricky, though I know I'm a mess
       I Wish For Love And Nothing More
            I Wish For Love.

studying at night, walking by the SUN oftener
so many coffees turn my mind to fabric softener
I'm sorry for what
I can't, nevermind, "what?" you say -- apologize
for the past, that is.
for it is what it was all over Paris, by the by
I cannot, ever, bring myself to lie
with whom said she? never him said I
and all the while, merrily, nor bye the bye
I pass the time, weaving
           broken for what I've let myself become
  a neurotic critic, not too much a cynic
  a dreamer of storylines
  art galleries and stolen storylines
 but wasn't Homer a figment anyway ?

The ship sinks, could I e'en daresay?
none of my friends, scholars all (every one
wil believe this is me
     I Wish For Love And
        Nothing More
     I Wish For

only one, no strike that - 2
if one is to count my real Beloved
and yet, with my Betas never connecting
now in all this spiteful reflecting
somewhere in my body - or is it merely my mind
 Tears. and eventually, that soul of me
      which shall form one day
      (hopefully at night though - what
 am I saying, thinking dictating some sort
 of behavior, some truth of a Lover, and
 yet I cannot explain) half at least of,
A Baby.
   I Wish for Love
      And Nothing
              I Wish For Love

the sexy dark married worker
 at the P.O. in Balzan
 called me Grace
(an omen perhaps? a good one of course)
but no I'm not Maltese
 I'm just another face
  (I Wish For Love & Nothing I)
I'm just another face


© 1999-2000 Night Lilley, a division of *.bmp productions; Please contact
for information pertaining, and permission regarding these poems.[CONTENT]

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