The Reading Garden - Nick

Important notice: All excerpts or stories have been submitted by the author.


Author: Nicholas Erwin

An Astronaut was flying around space in his spacecraft, when - BAM - he crashed on Planet Bazooka.

A Large alien Caterpillar started to come at him to eat him, but the man got out just in time and the caterpillar only crawled over his spacecraft. The caterpillar used a spell to make bars come crashing down on the man. The man used his karate to get out!!

Slinky, a friendly two-headed slinky, chased after the caterpillar with his laser. The caterpillar fell over some rocks and died.

Slinky told the astronaut that he could fix the panels on his space-craft - on one condition.

"Sure, what?" asked the astronaut.

"I am very lonely here on the planet Bazooka. You would have to promise to come back and visit me, please."

"Sure, Slinky. I would like that!"

Slinky fixed the panels, and the astronaut flew home to Earth.

© 1997

*About the author: Hi! My name is Nick Erwin. I am six now, but I have been writing stories since age 4. I want to be a paleontologist(had to look that one up to spell it right!) when I grow up, but I would like to be an artist too. Maybe I will write books and illustrate them, for a hobby. My mom is a writer(Romance yuck!) and my Dad is a Corporate Communications Specialist at REXAM. Come visit my web space to read more stories and learn about Dinosaurs, my favorite thing! Write to Nick. Visit Nick's home page.

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