The Reading Garden - Matthew-2

Important notice: All excerpts or stories have been submitted by the author.


Author: Matthew Ussery

"Mike Steven Wain!! Get down here right this minute!", shrieked his mother. "But Mom, I am really tired." "I can't help it if you stayed up watching Wormanator! Besides, you're late for school." BOOM, BOOM, BOOM! Mike walked sleepily down the stairs. "Mom, where's my bookbag?", muttered Mike. But it was too late, the bus was waiting for him outside. "Go ahead and get on the bus. I'll try to find your bookbag", suggested his mother.

In no time at all he was on his way to school. When Mike got on the bus, it was jammed with kids. Even when he got to school, his class was filled. He had 88 classmates! When Mike got to class, everyone was misbehaving. There were people shouting, jumping on desks, throwing paper airplanes, even taking some of the teacher's belongings.

"QUIET!", snorted the teacher. "Today is insect day and you will have a report to do on insects; along with language, spelling, math, reading, science, social studies, and geography."

All through the day, Mike was waiting for his mom to come to school with his bookbag but she never came. When the school bell rang at the end of the day, Mike was so sleepy, he could barely make it to the bus. His books were so heavy to carry in his bare hands. While waiting for the bus to stop, he saw a close friend of his mom's, Dr. Blob.

Dr. Blob invented a machine that makes objects larger. It was time for Mike to get off the bus. He was very tired. "Have a nice week!", laughed the bus driver. "You still have seven blocks to walk. Don't get carried away", suggested the bus driver. "Do I really have to walk this far?", mumbled Mike. "Yes, you and I have no choice, this bus can't fit down those skinny alleys", answered the bus driver. "You better be going, it's getting dark!", exclaimed the bus driver.

That was it, Mike was on his way. Each ten minutes, Mike had to stop and rest. The books he was carrying were so heavy, that he kept falling down to the ground. Each time he fell, he landed on some kind of insect or it's habitat. This made the insects angry and attracted them to follow him.

There it was, a nightmare sitting at the foot of his front door! There was almost every species of insect that you could possibly think of! "HURRY! Get in the window", whispered Mike's mom.

When Mike was in the house, he saw Dr. Blob there visiting his mom. Dr. Blob looked very worried when he saw all the insects following Mike. "Look, look at the TV. It could be anything", said Mike. "No, look outside. Why do you think those insects are trying to bust in?" "It could only be one thing, WORMINATOR!", worried Dr. Blob. "NOOOO!!!!! It couldn't be! But if it is, I have an idea!", shouted Mike. "Worminator is a worm, right?", asked Mike. "Since he is a worm, we could get a bird. And a dog too!", suggested Mike.

"Yeah! That is a wonderful idea!", answered his mother. "You two are nuts! You plan on getting pets at a time like this?", grinned Dr. Blob. "Alright, you two be careful. Make sure you use the back door, those insects are crazy!", suggested Dr. Blob. It seemed like hours before they returned.

"Why did you get a weeny dog?", questioned Dr. Blob. "It's so cute", whimpered Mike's mom, "Just look at him!".

All of a sudden they heard a voice. "OPEN UP!!!!", shouted Worminator. "NO!!! NEVER!", screamed Mike. "Alright, I'll call upon my.... my.... my.... What do you call those things again?", questioned Worminator. "Termites! Yeah, termites! After the door!", shouted Worminator. "NOOOOO!!!!!!! Run Mike! Run Mike!", screamed his mother.

"Now I may be small, but I know how to crawl, especially with this suit!", threatened Worminator. "Army! It's your turn! Flea navy, after the dog! The rest of you go for the kid, the kids mother, and the doctor. I'll see if this thing that Dr. Blob made works", commanded Worminator. "Bees come with me. We have a lot of buzzing to do. I'll go in the machine and get big while you all attract the bird."

"Hey bird", asked the bees, "You hungry?" "NAAAA, I already had 10,000 seeds. I'm full!", refused the bird. "You're going to regret it", objected the bees.

Suddenly everyone stopped. They all heard a noise. "Look, it's Worminator". He's getting enormous!", shouted Mike and his mother.

"It's alright, I'll disconnect the machine so he will get smaller!", explained Dr. Blob. "Yeah! Now he's too small to command us!", shouted the bees. "Hurray, hurray, we're saved!", shouted the insects.

The next day at school, Mike told his teacher he had his fill of insects. And again, he was sleepy. This time, he didn't watch Worminator, he defeated Worminator!

© 1997

*About the author: Every year at my school, we do a project called "Written and Illustrated". We write a story and publish it. I look forward every year to this project. After we are finished, we have an "Author's Tea" where the parents are invited to come to school and see all the finished books. "Worminator" is the story I wrote in 4th grade. I hope you enjoyed it. Write to Matthew Ussery. Visit Matthew Ussery's home page.

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