Game Cheat Codes

To use these code press the ~. Then enter the code u want to use.

GOD = God mode

IMPULSE 9 = Gives you all the weapons.

IMPULSE 255 + Quade damage

FLY = Fly mode, type it again to turn it off.

NOTARGET = Invisible untill u provoke them.

NOCLIP = Walk through walls, type it again to turn it off

GIVE type GIVE the letter and # u want

S # shells

N # nails

R # rockets

C # cells

H # heath

# x # of weapons

KITTY = Toggle Clipping - Walk through walls, type it again to turn it off

RAVMAP = Shows entire map in map mode (Hit tab for map mode)

Type RAVMAP twice shows where all the monsters are

Type RAVMAP a third time to revert to the original.

MASSACRE = This kills all of the monsters on the current level.

SKEL = This gives you all the keys

RAMBO = This gives you all the weapons and 200% Armor!

QUICKEN = GOD Mode. You can't be harmed

PONCE = Full Health

SHAZAM = Weapon Power up (Tome of Power) lasts for 30 secs.

ENGAGE = Level Warp. i.e. ENGAGE12 would take you to the

second level of the first epidsode.

COCKADOODLEDOO = This turns you into a chicken for a short period of time.

GIMME = This gives you the other Heretic items from a menu.

It will ask for an item letter (a-j) and a quanity (1-9)

i.e. gimme a 9

This would give you 9 invincibility rings.

You then use the items from your inventory using the [ ]

keys to select it, then press enter to load the item,

press enter again during play to use the item.

Here are the letters for the gimme command

a: Ring of Invincibility

b: Shadowsphere

c: Quartz Flask

d: Mystic Urn

e: Tome of Power

f: Torch

g: Bomb of the Ancients

h: Morph Ovum

i: Wings of Wrath

j: Chaos Device

IDDQD = Toggles the God Mode On/Off

IDKFA = Gives You All The Weapons, Keys, Ammo, and 200% Armor

IDFA = Gives You All The Weapons, Ammo and 200% Armor

IDBEHOLD + Following

S - Get Beserk Strength

V - Temporary Invulnerability

I - Temporary Invisibility

A - Get Full Automap

R - Get Anti-Radiation Suit

L - Light Amplification Visor

IDSPISPOPD = Toggles The Clipping Mode

IDCHOPPERS = Get The chainsaw and a Message!

IDCLEV = (Episode #) (Map #) - Level Warp

IDDT = Toggles between normal map, fullmap, and fullmap + objects

IDMYPOS = Displays coordinates and heading

The DOOM II Cheat Codes are the same as DOOM with the following exceptions:

IDCLIP = Toggles The Clipping Mode

IDMUS = (Map #) - Plays Music from Selected Level

**************************************************************************** -------------------------> The ROTT Cheat Codes <--------------------------- ****************************************************************************

To enable cheat mode type DIPSTICK

Then use one of the following codes

General codes:

CHOJIN = Invincible + unlimited ammo (Use the Insert key to switch weapons)

GOTO = Warp menu

REEN = Re-enter current level

GOOBERS = Re-start game

GOARCH = Skips to next level

GOGATES = Quits program

Safety codes:

SIXTOYS = All keys and bulletproof armor

PANIC = Resets you to full health (no keys or gun)

HUNTPACK = All keys + armor

LUNGDUNG = Gas mask

BURNME = Asbestos suit

SHOOTME = Bulletproof vest

Power-up codes:

TOOSAD = Hand of God

FLYBOY = Mercury flying Mode

BADTRIP = Mushrooms Mode

BOING = Elasto Mode

Environment codes:

DIMON = Light diminshing on

DIMOFF = Light diminshing off

GOTA486 = Turns on ceiling and floor textures

GOTA386 = Turns off ceiling and floor textures

LONDON = Turns on fog

NODNOL = Turns off fog

SHINEON = Turns on ligts

SHINEOFF = Turns off lights

Weapons codes:

JOHNWOO = Dual pistols

PLUGEM = MP40 machine gun

VANILLA = Bazooka

HOTTIMES = Heat-Seeking Missile

BOOZE = Drunk Missile


BONES = Flamewall

SEEYA = Hand of God

RIDE = MissleCam view

Miscellaneous codes:

HERE = Brings up a HUD of your position

RECORD = Records a demo of a level

STOP = Stops recording

PLAY = Plays a demo

WHACK = Hurt yourself

SPEED = Enable auto run (Same as pressing CapsLock)

86ME = Kill yourself

**************************************************************************** ------------------------> The Descent Cheat Codes <------------------------- ****************************************************************************

GABBAGABBAHEY = Cheats enabled!

Note: You must type GABBAGABBAHEY before you can use the other codes.

Note: GABBA GABBA HEY is part of an old Ramones song, remember?

SCOURGE = Weapons (Shareware)

BIGRED = Weapons (Registered)

MITZI = All Keys

RACERX = Invulnerability On/Off

GUILE = Cloak On/Off

TWILIGHT = Shields Recharged

FARMERJOE = Warp to Which Level?

FLASH = Makes a path of power-ups to the exit

BUGGIN = Turbo mode On/Off

AHIMSA = Robot shooting toggle

BIOPSYTOYS = Destroys reactor

BRUIN = Extra life (registered version only)

Note: In map mode press ALT-F to see the full map

Note: You might want to change your "bomb" key to something that won't

conflict with these codes, otherwise you might blow up before you finish

typing it.

**************************************************************************** -------------------------> The Hexen Cheat Codes <-------------------------- ****************************************************************************

NRA = All weapons and full mana

SATAN = God mode

MAPSCO = Reveals full map in map mode, Type MAPSCO again to show objects

SHADOWCASTER = Change character class (0=fighter, 1=cleric, 2=mage)

VISIT = Level warp. Follow the code with desired level 1-41.


BUTCHER = Kill all enemies on current level

CASPER = No clipping mode

CLUBMED = Full health

INDIANA = Receive 25 of all items

INIT = Restart level

LOCKSMITH = Receive all keys

NOISE = Sound debug

MARTEK = Suicide

CONAN = Lose all weapons

PUKE = Run script (follow with script number)

SHERLOCK = Receive all puzzle artifacts

VISIT = Level warp (follow with desired level number - two digits)

**************************************************************************** ----------------------> The Dark Forces Cheat Codes <----------------------- ****************************************************************************

LAPOSTAL = All weapons and ammo added

LARANDY = Weapons super charge - temporary

LAIMLAME = Invincibility toggle (you can still die by falling)

LAUNLOCK = Inventory added - keys, ir goggles, ice cleats etc.

LACDS = Map mode toggle

LAREDLITE = Pondering toggle - freeze all of your enemies

LANTFH = Teleport to start point

LAPOGO = Height check toggle - scale walls in a single bound

LASKIP = Force completion of current mission

LADATA = Display x,y,z coordinates

LABUG = Insect mode toggle - lets you get up close to walls

LASECBASE = warp to mission #1

LATALAY = warp to mission #2

LASEWERS = warp to mission #3

LATESTBASE = warp to mission #4

LAGROMAS = warp to mission #5

LADTENTION = warp to mission #6

LARAMSHED = warp to mission #7

LAROBOTICS = warp to mission # 8

LANARSHADA = warp to mission #9

LAJABSHIP = warp to mission #10

LAIMPCITY = warp to mission #11

LAFUELSTAT = warp to mission #12

LAEXECUTOR = warp to mission #13

LAARC = warp to mission #14


--------------------> The Wolfenstein 3D Cheat Codes <---------------------- ****************************************************************************

At the DOS prompt, type WOLF3D -GOOBERS to enable debugging mode. While

in the game, press SHIFT, ALT, and BACKSPACE keys simultaneously.

Press TAB and any of the following keys simultaneously:

G = God mode

I = Extra items

X = Extra stuff

S = Slow motion

B = Change border color

V = Asks how many extra VBL's

W = Level warp - 1 through 10 - (10 is the secret level)

T = Window appears with entries from the game

Q = Bombs computer

P = Pause - Without the "Paused" window

C = More entries from the game

O = Shows map of the current level (confusing)

**************************************************************************** -------------------> The Terminal Velocity Cheat Codes <-------------------- ****************************************************************************

TRIGODS = Invincibility

TRISHLD = Full shields

TRINEXT = Force completion of current level

TRIHOVR = Hover pad

MANIACS = No cockpit, with afterburners on

TRSCOPE = Screen shot mode

TRIBURN = Afterburners on

TRFRAME = Frame rate

3DREALM = Smokin' - keep typing this code to get additional ammo

TRIFIR1 = Weapon - PAC

TRIFIR2 = Weapon - ION

TRIFIR3 = Weapon - RTL

TRIFIR4 = Weapon - MAM

TRIFIR5 = Weapon - SAD

TRIFIR6 = Weapon - SWT


TRIFIR8 = Afterburner

TRIFIR9 = Invisibility

TRIFIR0 = Invincibility

*************************************************************************** TEKWAR CODES ***************************************************************************

* NUM LOCK = Invulnerability

* NOENEMIES = Removes everyone but you

* NOGUARD = Removes the guards from the game.

* NOCHASE = Removes the shooting enemies from the game.

* NOSTROLL - Removes the innocent bystanders from the game.

*************************************************************************** ---------------------->Duke Nukem 3D Cheats Codes<------------------------- ***************************************************************************

Code Effect

dncornholio Toggles God mode

or dnkroz

dnstuff You get all the weapons, ammo, powerups, and keys.

dnitems You get all the powerups and keys.

dnscotty## Level Warp (the first # represents the episode, the

second # represents the level)

dnview Toggles view mode (same effect as F7 key)

dnhyper Gives you a dose of the Steroids power-up.

dnrate Diplays the frame rate in the upper left hand corner.

dnskill# Changes the skill level of the game.

dnclip Toggles clipping mode (version 1.1 or later only)

dnmonsters Toggles the presence of monsters (version 1.1 or later


Not-so-useful Cheat Codes:

Code(s) Effect

dncashman Duke tosses money around every time you hit the


dncosmo Gives you the message "Register Cosmo Today!"

dnallen Gives you the message "Buy Major Sryker"

dnbeta Gives you the message "Pirates suck!"

These codes work in the simulation, by holding down CTRL-ALT-SHIFT

and typing:

blorb Toggle invulnerability

cia Toggle unlimited ammo

coldmiser Toggle heat tracking

hangaround Toggle mission time-limit

flygirl Add jumpjets to mech

mightymouse Toggle infinite Jumpjet juice

gankem Destroy targeted mech

enolagay Explode an atom bomb (killing everything?)

michelin Toggle bounding spheres on debris and mech parts

tinkerbell View battle from free-floating camera. Turn off with "c".

ctrl-left to turn left

ctrl-right to turn right

ctrl-up to increase altitude

ctrl-down to decrease altitude

z to move forward

shift-z to move backwards

front Toggles mini-front-view, shown in place of mini-rear-view

xray Enhanced imaging with see-through. Turn off with "w".

dorcs view the MW2 Sim Programmer Dorcs Web pages

icanthackit End mission successfully

idkfa End mission as a failure

zmak Toggles Time expansion (?)

meepmeep Time compression key enabled (?)

unmeepmeep Time compression key disabled (?)

lairdo "ATTENTION ENEMIES: Don't mess with the blimp." (?)

dei "F E I R". (?) (Maybe Michael Douglas knows what this does.)

sh*t "Freebirth vulgarity will not be tolerated!"

f*ck "Freebirth vulgarity will not be tolerated!"

These codes work in the Trials of Grievance instant-action missions, by

changing your name in Star Config to:

Calvin Adds Elemental between Dire Wolf and Fire Moth (1 of 3)

Hobbes Adds Tarantula between Elemental and Fire Moth (2 of 3)

Enzo Adds Battlemaster IIC between Tarantula and Fire Moth (3 of 3)

This code works in the campaigns, by registering with the name:

FREEBIRTHTOAD Lets you pick and play any of the 16 missions

MW2:GBL Codes

These are the cheat codes for MechWarrior 2: Ghost Bear's Legacy game.

Hold down CTRL-ALT-SHIFT and


* clark - X-ray vision

* kent - Invincibility

* dorcs - View the MW2 Sim Programmer Dorcs Web pages

* kaboom - Destroy all Mechs

* palex - Destroy targeted mech

* putz - End mission successfully

* jumbo - Add jumpjets to mech

*************************************************************************** - ---------------------> Warcract 2 Cheat Codes <------------------------ ***************************************************************************

Glittering prizes - 10000 GOLD, 5000 LUMBER, 5000 OIL!!!!!

deck me out - Upgrade everything

every little thing she does - Upgrade mage all the way!

tigerlily - Master code for WARPING, then type level (i.e orc12,human3)

it is a good day to die - God Mode

noglues - Disable magical traps (runes, ect.)

valdez - 5000 Oil

spycob - 5000 Oil

make it so - Fast build

showpath - Uncovers the map

hatchet - 2 Chops to harvest lumber

there can be only one - Quick ending

On screen - Uncovers map, works with modem play too!

ucla - Displays "Go Bruins" on screen

day - Displays "fief" on screen

netprof - laser show

fastdemo - makes demo scenes at main menu start faster

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