MatriX of MenThal / Profile
Profile of MenThal
Name: Kent Dahl
Handle: MenThal
Born: 1978 Anno Domini, in Kristiansand in Norway
Creature Class: Coder : ComputerFreak : ComputerEntusiast : HomoSapiens : Humanoid
Occupation: Student - started to study to be a graduate(?) engineer at industrial economics and technological management, with computer technology as profile, at NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Psycho-pathological description: MenThal likes Coding / Programming Computers and philosophy about life, preferably with a technological or Sci-Fi / Cyberpunk context, and would like to have his brain removed from the body, sustained by artificial body-functions, hooked into a private cyberspace, connected to the Internet, and to finally merge with a sentinent Artificial Intelligence or a female Mental Entity... (Ghost in a Shell or Neuromancer (by William Gibson), anyone?)
Member of:
  • DNRC - Dogberts New Ruling Class
      I like the Dilbert cartoon & I curiously await Dogberts regime! I've got me some titles too. DNRC Titles awarded: Kent Dahl : 10/10/1998 :
      • Totally Unresponsible, I never touched it, Lord of Bloated Software that makes your Computer crawl like a dying Slug on Salt, making you want to terminate the Computer with a Sledge in an Act of Mechanic Mercy
      • Chief Executive Ogre of the Torture Department where In-duh-viduals with Attitude get treated with Specially Designed Office Equipment
  • People who could be Mensa members, but who aren't... yet.