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Princess Diana
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Diana, Princess of Wales
She was a "Candle In The Wind"


Welsh DragonDiana Princess of WalesWelsh Dragon
1 July, 1961- August 31, 1997

Coat of Arms


Candle In The Wind

Taupin / John

Goodbye England's rose;
may you ever grow in our hearts.

You were the grace that placed itself
where lives were torn apart.

You called out to our country,
and you whispered to those in pain.

Now you belong to heaven,
and the stars spell out your name.

And it seems to me you lived your life
like a candle in the wind:
never fading with the sunset
when the rain set in.

And your footsteps will always fall here,
along England's greenest hills;
your candle's burned out long before
your legend ever will.

Loveliness we've lost;
these empty days without your smile.

This torch we'll always carry
for our nation's golden child.

And even though we try,
the truth brings us to tears;
all our words cannot express
the joy you brought us through the years.

Goodbye England's rose,
from a country lost without your soul,
who'll miss the wings of your compassion
more than you'll ever know.'

Reworked lyrics to the famous Bernie Taupin / Elton John song "Candle In The Wind" as sung by Elton John at Westminster Abby, London, England, September 6, 1997, in honor of and upon the occasion of the funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales.

 Diana, Princess of Wales                        

  • Diana, Princess of Wales - This is a link to the Royal Family's page on Diana.  A bit sterile, but a good site nonetheless.

  • Althorp House - The Spencer Family estate where Diana is laid to rest.

A Special Prayer for Diana

Creature of Air
I cleanse and consecrate thee
to remove all negativity in this world
So mote it be

O creature of Fire
I cleanse and consecrate thee
to remove all negativity in this world
So mote it be

O creature of Earth
I cleanse and consecrate thee
to remove all negativity in this world
So mote it be

O creature of Water
I cleanse and consecrate thee
to remove all negativity in this world
So mote it be

May the powers of The One
the source of all creation;
all-pervasive, omnipotent, eternal;
May the Goddess
the Lady of the Moon;
and the God
Horned Hunter of the Sun;
may the power of the spirits of the Stones,
rulers of the elemental realms
may power of the stars above and the Earth below
bless this place, and this time, and I who am with You.

We come into the world unknowing, an empty vessel waiting to be filled. In this filling, we learn the lessons of life, some good, some bad. In this learning, we grow and change; we become more than we were. When we are young children, we go to school to learn how to live in this world; how to cope with our civilization and its many demands on us.

Life is a school. It is a training ground for a purpose that is, perhaps, beyond our grasp as mere humans. We will not know why we were set to learn the lessons we are given until we pass beyond life.

Thus, as we live, we learn
Beyond life we might put these lessons into practice, and, perhaps, learn yet more. We do not know.
All we have is trust. We are here.

All the religions of the world have taught one simple lesson, over and over again: Love God, love your neighbor. All other teaching is simply commentary on that simple lesson.

Perhaps that lesson is the lesson to be learned in this great Game of Living and Dying.
If that is the Lesson, then I, for one, am content.

I ask you to remember Diana as only you can.
Let us enter this meditation reverently, and with love.


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