ong ago, in a different time there lived a caste of mostly men who were set apart. Not because they were better than or above the others in their society. They were set apart because of their dedication to a life of valor, honor and courage. The life of a knight was one of servitude. They lived a different, more specialized type of life, honed to a fine edge of perfection in the arts necessary to be servants to their people and leaders. More often than not, it was not the glamorous life we see in movies. Usually they were constantly traveling throughout their land, for they were the upholders of the law and protectors of the weak. And during times of war, they were the trainers and leaders of the unskilled hordes gathered to protect their country from invaders, foreign and domestic. Often many of these knights would join together because of their mutual belief in a specific cause. They would form an order of chivalry in order to pool their strengths and skills towards that end which they had dedicated themselves to, often with their very lives.

hese values of old are worthy and are not outmoded or archaic. We today, both men and women, could do well to take up these codes as our own, even in this modern time. Chilvary need not and should not be a dead trait. Most of us have lost sight of the old values; values such as duty, honor, valor, honesty, dedication, commitment, fidelity, truth, courage, kindness to name only just a few. We should look back to the Old Codes and employ them as a model for our present and future outlook on how we will conduct ourselves in our dealings with our fellow citizens of the planet. We must face this reality with joy: We are one on this world and should honor each other as equals worthy of all respect. Embrace the Old Codes and make them your own!


"Every Man Dies, But Not Every Man Has Lived"


Grateful acknowledgement given to the writers of the movie "Dragon Heart". Truly an inspiration.

Background graphic © 1992, Courtney Davis


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This page was created, 11/7/96 CE.