My Friends' Pages

A small list which I hope will grow!

This is my friend Misty! Her page is a wealth of information and she has been the biggest help to me in learning and creating my home page. Please check out her site! It is one of the best!!

A new friend and a fellow "inamorata" of Jonathan Moore, Pattie is an amazing woman. Please visit her home will find it enlightening, inspirational, and a hell of a good time. She is the one who has made me comfortable and proud to be a "Lover" of Jonathan Moore.
You can find Pattie as the

I met Roni when she signed my guestbook. Roni shares her abode with Mike and her cat, Cleo. If you are interested in a stirring love story and a purrfect cat, surf on in to Roni's Hideaway!

Check out Amanda's site regarding lost, stolen, and missing horses and ponies in the United Kingdom!!

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