"Bohemian Rhapsody"

Big Huge Thanks

To the following imaginative and creative webmasters!

I couldn't have made my site purrrty without the help of these talented people.

Diabella's Vintage Graphics

Cat Stuff

Honeydew Hollow Daisy's Creations

Special thanks to: Roxy's Place

and Boy's Holiday Gifts

for the personalized graphics, each of them took the time to make for me!

The beautiful dividers on this page
are from: Dana's Designs

Most of the holiday graphics I use throughout the year are found at the following sites:
Eclipse Digital's Animation Factory

and Santa Kitten

If you're a beginner at this web page thing, and felt as lost as I did when I started out,
visit these informative sites.
They are easy to follow, and will help you get started...

Create It ~101 Step-by-Step Homepage Creation

Em's Quick-Build Web Guide The best site around on building tables on your page!

Here are some great places to make banners for your pages.
The Banner Generator Form
Media Builder
ZyGraphics 3D Heading Creator



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