Welcome to P-chan's WebPage

Hello! I'm Patty-chan and I welcome you all!

I guess I have to start with the beginning: I was born in Lima, Peru many centuries ago. That's exactly what my sister would say since she's always calling me "grandma." But no, I am not that old, I am just 21 years old. It was a sunny afternoon on a Tuesday, November 22 1977, when a baby girl was born. Does that make me a Scorpio or a Sagitarius? Well, I am half of both, so that means that I'm very unpredictable, there's no telling on what would I do next!

I am the oldest daughter of the Villanueva family. Here I am with my parents the day I graduated from high school--that was almost four years ago. I guess that now I have to say something nice about them, right? Well, they are just the best parents anyone could wish for. They have always been there for me, been a great support, backing me 110% in everything I do. They are very loving and funny, especially my DAD with his constant imitations of the martians from "Mars Attacks." ACK, ACK to you Dad!

Here is my partner in crime! This is Sandrita, my sister. Although she's 14, I still call her Sandrita and I guess I'll always will. Isn't she kawaii? She is a version of me but at a smaller scale. She hates it when people say that she looks just like me, because we have very different personalities. I don't know how we get along the way we do? I love my sis, but sometimes she can be a real pain, especially when she says she listens to me but she isn't!

We all moved to Miami, FL about 7 years ago. I have to say that Miami surely is a different place. It just takes everything to the extreme! I am currently a junior at the University of Miami, majoring in Motion Pictures and International Studies, and considering Asian Studies for graduate school. This spring 99, I am continuing my second semester in Japanese . . . sugoi!

My anime

Anime has always been part of my life ever since I can remember. I can still see myself coming back from school and sitting down in front of the TV set every afternoon. I grew up with titles such as Astroboy, Kimba, Candy Candy, Mazinger Z, Robotech, Voltron, Angel and her eternal quest for the flower of seven colors, and of course Lady Oscar!

Here is a clip of "Festival de Robots," one of my favorite series as a kid. I hope you enjoy it!

I must have been either five or six years old when the Protoculture Virus brought by Robotech hit the coast of Peru. At that time, I was most probably following my cousin Paul up and down, like I used to do, begging him to let me play with his Star Wars action figures. I was not an ordinary girl who would just sit quietly to play with Barbie dolls or any doll, for that matter. Nope, not Patty! I just didn't find any amusement in such dull, boring games. As a result, I was always up-to-date with every new show, and Robotech was not an exception.

"This Robotech thing is so exciting I just couldn't give it up. It just gets in your blood or something, I don't know." - Roy Fokker

Immediately, I became #1 fan of Lynn Minmay, but for some strange reason, my exposure to the series vanished, being Astroboy (the 1984's version) that filled its gap. It was not until recently that Robotech has been broadcast once again in the US thanks to Cartoon Network; and, after seeing the first episodes, I began to remember how much I liked the series, and now I'm a devoted Macross fan! You should see the replica of Rick Hunter's Veritech fighter sitting on my desk!

Following this wave of mecha technology, came the "shoujo" animated classics of Candy Candy and Lady Oscar. Candy's story touched my heart at the age of nine. She was an orphan girl, destined to suffered a cruel childhood just to later find happiness among friends. Her story didn't have a happy ending: she loses the two men she ever loved. Anthony was taken away by death in a tragic accident, and Terry by destiny.

I was 11 years old, when I discovered a series that would change my life forever. Released under the title of "Lady Oscar," Berusaiyu No Bara is in part responsible for the person I am today, and is my motivation and inspiration in everything I do.

The story takes place some years before the French Revolution, and involves real historical figures such as the Queen Marie Antoinette, Louis XVI, Hans Axel von Fersen; and is the perfect combination of romance, history, drama, and tradegy that these eyes have ever seen. With animation techniques far ahead for its time, and the 1970's disco influence, Lady Oscar became an immediate hit not only in Peru, but in other countries around the globe. I remember crying my eyes out the day the series came to an end. With its tragic finale leaving a pround influence in the early days of my adolescense, I began to search for the names of Oscar Jarjayes and Andre Grandier in every French history book my hands could grab onto, to later find out that these were fictional characters that could have lived at that time. My fascination with the French language and culture nonetheless continued--that's why I decided to learn French back in high school-- and one of my many dreams is being able to visit Versailles one day.

When I moved to Miami, I lost contact with the world of fantasy and dreams that Sensei Ikeda had created for me. It was two years ago though, that I was able to reach back to those so treasured childhood memories when I met a chilean girl named Francia. We both became friends rather quickly and like me, she is a great Lady Oscar fan. Then, like if by magic, I was able to get copies of the anime in both spanish and the original japanese, and the manga issues from which Lady Oscar was based upon. Since then, I've realized what is it that I really want to pursue in life. I want do what I like, fight for it if I have to, but I'll never let go: Anime industry, watch out because P-chan is on the way to the top!

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Last updated: February 20, 1999

Copyright@1988, 1999 by Patricia Villanueva

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