Episode 2. "Mamotte Agetai"

Synopsis created by Ito Nobutoshi
20 Jan 2002.

Everything in [] is my comment. This is an unedited version and plenty of typographic and grammatical errors are expected.
OP [a few scenes from Eps.1] Subtitle

In Toatha de Danaan deep in the sea, a young girl [Tessa, the captain of the submarine] receives a report from Kalinin about Sousuke in Tokyo. "He is struggling, isn't he?" But, all the troubles Sousuke has caused are "within ???" to him. Tessa accepts his assessment and asks how long Sousuke, Kurz and Melissa have to be away from the base. His reply is very simple, "Until the origin of the problem is ??ed" but Tessa understands what he means. "If our operation goes smoothly, there won't be any need to guard Chidori Kaname, right?"

In Jindai High School, there is no sign of improvement in Sousuke's fortune. He wrongly thinks Kaname is attacked when she is only trying to lift a bust for the art class. As he still insists it's just an accident, nothing to do with Kaname, she is rather annoyed.

After school, Sousuke tells Kurz to follow Kaname on her way home because he has to report about the trouble he caused to his teacher. It is not only Sousuke who is troubled with the new environment. Melissa, at a supermarket, is furious about high cost of living in Tokyo ^_^;;

In the meantime, Sousuke again mistakes Kaname's friend as a terrorist and ends up in dashing himself into Eri. She summons him to the teachers' room and reproves of him very strongly while Kaname and Kyouko peep into the room.

Another day has gone without any sign of terrorist. In the safe-house, Melissa checks Kaname has gone to bed and Kurz treats Sousuke's injuries. Kurz is now doubtful about the idea of Kaname might be kidnaped by KGB. "What is the point for them to kidnap an ordinary high school girl?" Neither Sousuke nor Melissa has the answer.

In Siberia, a Asian-looking man [Gaurun] is secretly meeting with two officers of KGB. He gives them a photo of M9 in action [at the beginning of Eps.1]. He explains that Mithril is a secret mercenary army with equipments 10 years ahead of US and USSR. Now that they have intervened, capturing "experimental bodies" will be even more difficult than ever and he demands more money for his mission. This angers one of the officers but Gaurun has no intention of negotiation. Without a word, he shoots the man in the head. He carries on with his talk, as if nothing has happened, and shows the other officer a photo of his next target, Chidori Kaname.

A few days later, Kaname chairs a classroom meeting at school. They have to decide who will do various duties in their school trip but no one is interested in such a discussion. Kaname knew this would be the case and have already talked with some of her classmates to obtain their consent about their duty. The "rubbish cleaner" is an exception. As no one wants to do it, Kaname appoints Sousuke to it. To the surprised boy, Kaname explains that it is customary in their school that a new transfer do the job. Yet, after the meeting is over, seeing Sousuke obediently taking a note, Kaname cannot help feeling a little guilty.

Eye Catcher

Kaname and her friends drop in at a hamburger shop after school. While they chat about the meeting, Sousuke takes a seat in a corner and keep an eye on them through a hole in a newspaper ^_^;; Then he finds a man with an attaché case and suspects it might be a bomb. Before Kurz could reason him over the radio, the man leaves the shop, leaving the case behind. Kaname notices it and carries it to the man. She tries to cross a road to catch up with the man, unaware of a big truck approaching. Sousuke rashes himself into her and barely manages to save her. The case is run over by the truck and the contents turn out to be anime dolls ^_^;; Kaname asks why he is here but he calmly says it is "just a coincidence." Kyouko and other friends are very much impressed with his heroic deed. So is Kaname... until she realises his hand is still on her breast ^_^;;

Now Kaname is on a train on her way home. She looks up from a book she has been reading and walks up to Sousuke, who is still reading the newspaper. She shouts at him, "Hey what grudge are you having against me!?" His answer, "Chidori, what a coincidence?" angers her even more. However hard she demands satisfactory answer, he insists this is just a coincidence. Kaname gives up and gets off at a station just before the doors close. Left in the train, Sousuke gets upset and Kaname is very pleased to see it. But her satisfaction quickly changes into surprise; Sousuke jumps off from the running train and rolls over violently until he hits a dustbin. Kaname runs to him, "Are you OK, Sagara-kun!?" Sousuke stands up and replies, "Yes, no problem" [This is the phrase characteristic to him]. He still insists he suddenly wanted to get off here and it is nothing to do with Chidori.

Chidori has enough of it and sits on a bench nearby. Sousuke sits down next to her naturally. At first she stares at him angrily but gradually realises there seems nothing malicious in his eyes. This time Kaname gently asks why he follows her but doesn't get the answer she wants. She changes the subject, "So can you answer a question from your classmate who *happens* to be here?" After a few questions about his life, she asks if he has a girlfriend. Sousuke says no and, quoting Kurz, "a friend of mine once told me I wouldn't find one even deep in tundra." This answer amuses Kaname a lot. "Well, because you're odd. But it might be a good character to have. Some nice girl might appreciate it someday." Sousuke replies with a straight face, "I see. I'll remember it. You're a nice girl." This embarrasses her but she isn't angry now.

That evening Gaurun is surveying the street where Kaname lives. Kurz in M9 comes down the street with the ECS on. A dog passing by starts barking, sensing the invisible robot, and Gaurun seems also aware of it.

Kaname is chatting with Kyouko over the phone. Kyouko immediately realises she is in really good mood and the reason is probably Sousuke. Kaname denies it and starts laughing strangely [her "uhahaha" laugh means "I'm not sure but let's not talk about it any more." Although Kyouko fully understand this, Kaname herself isn't aware of this habit of hers].


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