

.end --  marks the physical end of a source program


.end [reset label]


The .end directive marks the physical end of the source program. Any assembly source statement appearing after this directive is ignored. The optional reset label following .end indicates the start address for the program; the label must be at a start of a section (which the linker places at address zero). The reset label must be in the current module and must be of type ROM. If the program consists of multiple modules, only one can contain a reset label.

An included source file (see .incld directive) may optionally contain a .end directive, which is treated as an end-of-file but does not end the assembly. A reset label must not appear on the .end in an include file.


		.sect code, rom
	MAIN:   .
		.		; source code
		.		; MAIN is starting address of program

		.end MAIN	; end of program