I. Assembly Directives

Directive statements control the assembly process and may generate data in the object program. The directive name may be preceded by one label and may be followed by a comment. The directive's name occupies the operation field. Some directives require an operand field expression.

Table of Contents
.addr --  puts one or more 8-bit addresses in memory
.addrw --  puts one or more 16-bit addresses in memory
.byte --  put one or more 8-bit bytes of data in memory (same as .db)
.chip --  specifies the member of the COP8 family
.contrl --  controls the address range of jumps and calls
.db --  put one or more 8-bit bytes of data in memory (same as .byte)
.do --  controls the .do - .enddo looping macro
.doparm --  repeats a one parameter macro for each argument in a list
.dsb --  allocates 8-bit bytes of memory for storage
.dsw --  allocates 16-bit words of memory for storage
.dw --  allocates 16-bit words of memory for storage (same as .word)
.else --  specifies assembly code to be assembled when a conditional assembly case is false
.end --  marks the physical end of a source program
.enddo --  controls the .do - .enddo macro
.endif --  marks the end of a conditional assembly
.endm --  marks the end of a macro definition
.endsect --  ends a program sections and restores the previous section
.exit --  terminates a .do - .enddo macro
.error --  generates an error message
.exitm --  terminates a .do - .enddo macro and terminates the macro expansion immediately
.extrn --  specifies symbols that are public to other modules
.fb --  fills one or more 8-bit bytes of memory with a value
.fw --  fills one or more 16 bit words of memory with a values
.form --  inserts a formfeed character into the listing file
.if --  conditionally assembles if an expression is not equal to zero
.ifb --  conditionally assembles base on whether the operand is blank
.ifc --  conditionally assembles base on character strings (same as .ifstr)
.ifdef --  conditionally assembles base on whether a symbol is defined
.ifnb --  conditionally assembles base on whether the operand is non-blank
.ifndef --  conditionally assembles base on whether a symbol is not defined
.ifstr --  conditionally assembles base on character strings (same as .ifc)
.incld --  includes the assblembly statements from a specified file
.list --  controls listing of the source program
.local --  establishes a new program section for local labels
.macro --  names a macro and signifies the start of a macro definition
.mdel --  deletes a macro definition
.mloc --  declares a lable local to a macro definition
.opdef --  assignes another name to an opcode
.opt --  selects COP8 mask-programmable options
.org --  sets the program counter to a new value
.out,.out1,.out2,.outall --  output messages per assembler pass
.public --  makes a symbol available to other modules
.sect --  specifies the start of a section
.set --  assigns a values to symbols
.space --  inserts a number of blank lines into the listing file
.title --  controls the header lines of the listing file
.warning --  generates a warning message
.word --  allocates 16-bit words of memory for storage (same as .dw)