This site's Exclusive Interview

yahoo! chat
yahoo chat reprinted here from this site: here good read.

eonline interview
"who the hell is this?" feature covers casey very funny interview which showcases that patented affleck boys dry humor. a must read for any casey fan. thanks to Chasing Holden for the tip.

launch interview melina's page has excerpts from the LAUNCH interview.
From Entertainment Weekly "it" list '98 (June 26, 1998)

From Interview Magazine December '97 issue

Official News
The following is from Casey's agent:
"Casey passed on the James Toback movie BLACK AND WHITE. He couldn't do it because of his schedule on COMMITTED which he is filming now in Texas. He did do HAMLET though, with Ethan Hawke. Casey played Fortinbras..... He also wrote and directed 13 spots for the SUNDANCE Channel which will air next year. They are very funny and Casey got a lot of his friends to participate, including, Matt Damon, Joaquin Phoenix, Vince Vahn, Gus Van Zant, Don Cheadle, Christina Ricci, Edward Furlong and Harvey Weinstein."

I'll try to get info on all these new projects as soon as possible. Bear with my slow updates, people, and stay tuned!

Casting news
Thanks to Dale Atkinson and Jenine for the scoop! You guys rock!
From Entertainment weekly of September 18:
"...maverick James Toback is following his acclaimed 'Two Girls and a Guy' with a breathless plunge of his own: He's shootong 'Black and White' - a $1.5 million indie about white New York kids infatuated with hip-hop culture - without a complete script. Using just character sketches, a plot outline, and a cast that includes Robert Downey Jr., Ben Stiller, Edward Furlong, Casey Affleck, boxer Mike Tyson, hip-hop impresario 'Power', and rap stars like Lil' Kim, Foxy Brown, and the Wu-Tang Clan's Raekwon, Toback hopes to capture spontaneous on-set surprises. "If it works, it's going to be extraordinary, because so many different kinds of people will be revealing themselves in it," he says. "But it's going to be a leap into the void." So far Chris Blackwell's Palm Pictures, the company putting up the cash, backs the experiment. "Executives", says Toback, "have basically said 'Fine, anything you want, just deliver a movie.' That's just about unheard of."

Desert Blue news:Star Nine tells me that " Morgan J. Freeman's film Desert Blue, featuring none other than Casey, is being shown at the Toronto International Film Festival, which runs from 10 Sept. to 19 Sept." You can read a synopsis and find screen times here. Thanks for the scoop, *9!

Sundance Ads news: Variety reports here

200 Cigarettes news:
Ain't it cool news got a sneak preview, those lucky sons of bitches: click here.
This Nando article talks quite a bit about the flick, but with little mention of the star we adore.

details magazine of July 1998 (Ben is the cover story, and there are some excellent pictures of him in this article)
"Of his birthdays, Ben particularly remembers his third, the one he celebrated three days early. His mother was extremely pregnant and her water broke during the party. "I guess it made for some sibling rivalry," Ben muses, "because my mother tells me that maybe a year later, I casually suggested that maybe we could just throw Casey in the fire."
later in the same article: "Back in the trailer again, Ben is hanging with his high school homeys Soren, who is now his assistant, and Derek, who is sometimes his stand-in. Along with them and Matt, his other best friend and only sibling, Casey, who played the pain-in the ass friend who bickered with Ben throughout Good Will Hunting. Together Casey and Ben are rebuilding a '69 Cadillac Sedan de Ville. The brothers each have a tattoo, a Native American fraternity symbol. Ben doesn't want to talk about lame stuff like tattoos." And we know that neither does Casey.