One Life to Live: Year in Review

From Soap Opera Magazine

Reel Life


Marty and Dylan
Alex and Asa
(second time)
Alex and Carlo


Alex and Asa
Sheila and Hank
Marty and Dylan


Alex and Carlo


Paloma (Marty's friend who died of AIDS)
Carlo Hesser
Dr. Elliot Durbin


Starr Manning


Bishop John Carpenter
Drew Buchanan
Dr. Elliot Durbin

Quick (but notable) Visits

Becky Lee Abbott
Bishop Corrington (Robert Vaughn)


Carlo Hesser
Todd Manning
Kevin Buchanan


David Vickers
Sheila Gannon
Tina Roberst
Javier Perez

Real Life


Kassie Wesley (Blair) and James De Paiva (Max) were married in a private ceremony on May 31.


Erika Slezak celebrated her 25th anniversary playing Viki on the show.

Best & Worst

Hottest Couple

Andy and Antonio. They're sexy, they're passionate, they love each other, but the obstacles that keep this couple from living happily ever after just don't quit.

Most Torrid Triangle

Dylan, Marty and Patrick. Two men in love with the same loving, and she's in love with each of them for different reasons. What a terrific triangle. Marty married Dylan, but realized later that she couldn't forget Patrick.

Most Memorable Episode

Bo and Patrick trying to diffuse the bomb at the Palace Hotel. Tension, excitement and action as they raced to save many of Llanview's finest citizens kept us glued to our seats.

Most Unexpected Twost

Mr. Kenneally, then man who helped Marty and Patrick in Ireland and then moved to the U.S., turning out to be one of the Men of 21 and working for Carlo Hesser.

Most Unrealistic Storyline

Alex pretending to be pregnant with Carlo's child. Not even Alex could get away with deceiving a smart man like Carlo for nine months.

Biggest Stretch

Trying to believe that Asa was really crazy. Although Phil Carey had us convinced that Asa had really lost his mind, it came on too quickly -- and his family believed it without reservations.

Best Recast

Kevin Stapleton (Kevin) is bright, talented and fun to watch. He brings out the Buchanan stubbornness, determination and love.

Best Newcomer

Sandra P. Grant (Rachel) is a talented young actress who brought her character's problems to life and made her struggle to overcome drug abuse believable.

Best-Kept Sercret

Drew's mother, Becky Lee, wasn't really dead>

Most Shocking Cliffhanger

Who killed Carlo Hesser?

Biggest Waste of Talent

Robin Strasser (Dorian) and Hillary B. Smith (Nora). Dorian Lord hasn't done any moving or shaking for a long time. Let's get into her life and find out what makes her tick. And Nora Buchanan is funny, sexy and compassionate. Bring back the fun days between her and Bo -- and bring on some of those tough and controversial legal challenges Nora faced in the past.

Best-Dressed Character

Blair Manning>

Worst-Dressed Character

Carlotta Vega

Still trying to capture our attention

The romance of Carlotta Vega and Clint Buchanan

Best Location Shoot

Blair and Patrick riding on a horse through the snow when he took or to stop Marth's wedding to Dylan.

Storylines We Loved

Blair sets her sights on Patrick -- Just to get even with Marty

Blair believed that Marty and Patrick were responsible for Todd's death and set out to ruin the two of them. She told Dylan that Marty and Patrick shared a room in Ireland, ran headlines about them in The Sun and even filed a wrongful death suit against them. After Dylan and Marty reunited, Blair set her sights on Patrick to get even with Marty. On Marty and Dylan's wedding day, Patrick made a last-ditch effort to stop Marty from marring. Blair tagged along, all the while trying to convince him that Marty wasn't right for him. Her efforts to get romantically involved with Patrick finally worked -- but she found herself actually attracted to him. Little did she realize her past was about to catch up with her.

Carlo Hesser Returns to Cause Havoc

Carlo Hesser returned to Llanview to get even with those who'd done him wrong. He broke up Alex and Asa's marriage and made sure Asa's business suffered. Then he set his sights on Viki, bring in Dr. Elliot Durbin to hypnotize her into killing her son, Kevin, as revenge for Viki's having killed his son, Johnny Dee. Carlo drew many people into his web. Antonio Vega went to work for him after Carlo got Christian, Antonio's brother, a college scholarship. Then Carlo went after Todd, who had used The Sun to get at Carlo. He gave Blair evidence that Todd had kidnapped Starr and planned to take the baby out of the country. Carlo extracted his revenge on Alex after Asa exposed her fake pregnancy on their wedding day. Carlo had the marriage annulled and set Alex up for a fall for misuse of city funds. Finally Carlo got ihs -- but is it any wonder the suspect list goes on for miles?

Rachel Overcomes Her Drug Problem

R.J., Hank and Nora worked together to find Rachel after she ran away from drug rehab. Finally, Drew located her at an escort service in New York. Rachel didn't know him, so he tried to get close to her and succeeded -- until she arrived at the hotel room and spotted Nora's appointment book. Rachel once again disappeared, but later turned up looking for money from Drew. She returned to rehab, but ran away once again, scored some bad cocaine and nearly died. Once again Drew saved her and made her see what she was doing to herself. FInally, Rachel cleaned up her act.

The Adventures of Max and Maggie

Maggie wasn't thrilled with Max's plot to help Asa get even with Carlo, but she couldn't keep from getting involved. Max managed to get Carlo to pay $50 million for the rights to the Serenity Springs watrer, which the villain believed was the only thing that would keep him from dying. However, when Carlo realized it was all a scam, he vowed that Max and Maggie would pay for their duplicity. Thinking they'd won, Max and Maggie set off to North Carolina to pick up Max's kids. A rock slide, engineered by Carlo, trapped them inside a cave. Believing they were about to die, Max admitted to Maggie that he was in love with her and she said she also had feelings for him. Dylan, Andy and Antonio found them in time and Maggie went back to her convent. Eventually, she opted to leave -- and test her feelings for Max.

Bo Saves Llanview from a Bomb

Bo discovers the Men of 21 were going to kill someone, but he didn't know Asa was the target. He disguised himself as an explosives expert and was taken to a deserted studio to build a bomb for Bass and the Men of 21. But he was unaware that Poseidon was watching him via a hidden camera. Bo discovered that the bomb was to be placed in the Palace Hotel, where Asa was having a meeting -- and all of his own family and friends were gathered for Marty and Dylan's rehearsal dinner. Bo deliberately neglected to connect the wires, leaving the bomb inactive. Patrick got to Bo and told him about Bass' plan. Then Bass caught them, handcuffed them to a pipe and wired the bomb. Bo and Patrick got free and disarmed the bomb just minutes before it was set to go off, saving many Llanview residents from certain death.

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