In Memory of Nathan Manz

In Memory of Nathan Manz

Nathan William Manz

Born on Nov.23,1974 - Heaven on Aug.18,1992

A Loving memorial to Nathan..

In Loving Memory of Nathan William Manz, the second born son of John and Brenda Manz, and brother to Jonathan, Timothy and Jeremy Manz. We love and miss you very much.

The presence of your absence is everywhere!!! The silence from your guitars is deafening! The walls of our home and our hearts miss the sound of your music echoing in our ears. There is only silence there now.

Your bright smiling eyes, warm hugs, and expressions of dry humor and laughter are sorely missed. Seventeen years was not enough! The world has lost such a talented artist, musician, and wonderful young man.

You are missed by your grandparents too! Your Grandmother shares her memories with us with tears in her eyes and love in her heart. We all miss you and weep for the milestones in life that are not yours to enjoy or to experience.

We pay tribute and honor to your name by living our lives to honor and share your life and memory with others who never had the opportunity to know you as you died too soon.

Our daily thoughts and prayers are with you, and our love is eternal for you! I miss your hugs! I miss you! We all miss you and love you still. Love & Hugs, Mom, Dad, Jonathan, Timothy & Jeremy (and Sam--your kitten, who is now a cat of 18 lbs.)
Love, Mom

Email His Family here.

please visit his page , and sign his guestbook there.Nathan's web page

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