In Memory of Patrick Sean Kelly

In Memory of Patrick Sean Kelly

Born March 25, 1974, murdered May 11, 1996.

Patrick Sean Kelly March. 25, 1974 - May. 11,1996

A Loving memorial to Patrick..

September 18, 1997

Twenty-two years ago;
I first met you.
Sixteen months ago;
I lost you forever.
Now this is a sorrowful day;
While it used to be so joyful.
You are no longer;
And I do not understand.
I talk to you every morning;
But you do not answer.
I listen for you every day;
But I hear nothing.
I look for those tell-tale signs that you are here;
But all I see is emptiness.
You brought magic into my life;
The magic is now gone.
Everywhere I turn I look for you;
But I still do not see.
Some say you are an angel;
But I do not believe.
They tell me I will see you again;
But how can I wait?
My heart and soul are gone;
Will they ever return?
I have seen death before;
But never like this.
When you were here;
I knew who I was.
While you were maturing;
I could see my future.
I cannot adapt to my new role;
that of a childless Mother.
You were my light, my life;
I wonder where you are now.

Love, Mom

please visit his page Patrick's web page

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