Run-a-Way Dog!

Taffy is a 11-year-old golden chow chow and beagle mix. She has the gentle, loving temperment of a beagle. Her only fault was running away whenever the chance arose. When we moved to Florida, in 1989, the main selling point was a fenced-in back yard for Taffy. Over the years, we started trusting her more, letting her out in the garage while my husband worked. February 13, unbeknownst to us, Taffy decided to take a little stroll. We looked high and low - no Taffy. We called the Humane Society and Animal Rescue, still no Taffy. By the next morning, we were certain someone had picked her up, or she'd been hit by a car and was lying near the road. At 11:30 a.m., Animal Rescue called. "We think we have your dog. Is she an older, heavyset female?" That sure sounded like our mutt, so off we went. There she was, sitting behind bars, in doggie jail. I don't know who was happier, Taffy or us. We both cried when we saw her, we were so relieved to know she was safe and unharmed. That was the best Valentine we could receive...Patricia and Harry Kapp.

Since this was written, Taffy has gone onto Puppy Heaven on March 30, 1999. Her ashes will be spread over the mountains in Pennsylvania where she loved to run and play. She is missed very much.


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