Lara came into my life November 1989. I went to the Swan Animal Haven in South Guildford thinking that I would like to adopt a German Shepherd as I had always admired them. After only a few minutes this large female German Shepherd ran up to the fence where I was standing and jumped up like she knew me. From that moment I knew she was the one I wanted. She was in rather bad condition with both ears severely fly bitten and she had been lost so she was insecure. It didn't take long before she blossomed into a very faithful and in my own biased opinion a very lovely dog. She will always have a special place in my heart and I still think of her every day since she crossed the bridge March 25, 1997.

Lara and Fluffy in the backyard a few months after I rescued her from the haven in 1990. Fluff and Lara remained sparring partners for many years.

Lara and me.

Lara, Mimi and Fluff in December 1996.

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