Factual Frog Information Entries

Factual Frog Information Contest Entries:

Catagory: Health and Disease
Entered by: Mike DeVarennes

Deformed frogs, no big deal you say? Guess again buddy! Back in 1995 a few students who attend the New Country School in LeSueur, Minnesota were out catching frogs in the local wet lands when they discovered that something wasn't quite right with the frogs they were catching. At first they thought they had injured the poor little guys because their legs appeared to be broken but when nearly every frog they caught had the same condition they realized something was terribly wrong. Soon after the initial discovery of the deformed amphibians the students informed the MPCA (Minnesota Pollution Control Agency) who began investigating the phenomenon. Large populations of deformed amphibians have since been discovered in many states including Wisconsin, California, and even up into Canada with some areas of frog populations bieing 96% effected, This is definitely a reason to be concerned but alarmed residents in these areas are being told not to panic. People in effected areas are being given bottled water to drink and are being advised not to drink tap water until it can be determined if it is safe.(probably a good idea) The malformations range from adult frogs who still have their tails which normally would have been shed while maturing from the tadpole stage, to frogs with missing eyeballs, eyeballs growing in their throats, missing limbs, and even extra limbs with some frogs having as many as twelve legs! These deformities have been determined not to be genetic but are believed to be caused by either chemical contaminants or some other form of pollution in the water.The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), the National Institute of Environmental health Sciences, and the National Wildlife Health Center Laboratories are currently in a joint effort to find out exactly what is causing the problem and to determine the best way to solve it. Unlike humans, frogs breath through their skin, are extremely sensitive to chemical pollution, and are actually acting as an early warning system for us. We probably wont be seeing these same deformities occurring in humans because we don't spend most of our lives in wet lands submerged in polluted water (most of us anyway), nor do we breath through our skin, although we should take these warnings seriously and once we can discover the cause of the problem, prevent it from spreading and happening again (if its not too late already).

Catagory: Housing/parenting frogs
Entered by: Lyndsay Henderson
Frogs love a resting place up in a corner. You can buy these little suction cup corner ledges at allmost any pet store for really cheap. I guarantee that your frogs will stay there all the time!!!

Catagory: Odd facts about frogs
Entered by: Rafe Schaefer :
Did you know that lots of frogs lay eggs weirdly? For some examples the surniam toad lays its eggs on its back and lets them hatch and grow to frogs under it's skin. Another weird on is a relation to a poison dartfrog but is not poiseness lays it's eggs and lets them hatch but then wraps them around its back up to 60 at a time and takes them to the waterhole. Also, the gastric brooding froglets father swallows the eggs and keeps them in his vocal sac till young black froglets with little tails.

Catagory: Feeding hints/tips
Entered by: Froggie
Green tree frogs (for example) eat mostly cricket. This is the easiest food source to get them. You can pick up crickets at any pet store that i am aware of. but once you buy them, what do you do next??? well, my frogs seem to eat a few cricket each a week. so therefore i buy about 6 crickets a week for them to munch on. it usually cost me about a dollar, or less. once i get them home they go right into the aqaurium. i have a corner set up with two egg holes of an egg carton moisted. i also have a tiny dish with tropical fish food flakes that the crickets can eat. this tiny area is covered with some fake plants so they won't be bothered by the frogs. i find this works great. it keeps the crickets alive and the frogs happy. pieces of potatoes can be used instead of fish flakes but they get moldy fast and need to be replaced often. have fun with your aqaurium. if your not too squeemish...you could even start up your own cricket colony in a separate contaner. but they stink so keep them in a warm garage.

Catagory: Other
Entered by: Barry Greene
Did you know that Guam is the Flat Frog capital of the world? I have a tee-shirt to prove it.

Catagory: Housing/parenting frogs
Entered by: Tracey
Did you know that if you touch a frog it can die because of all the acids on you skin.

*** Also, the salts emitted from human sweat glands in the hands can dehydrate a frog. And even common household soaps and detergents on the hands can be harmfull to our little amphibian friends.
And on the reverse side, many frogs and toads emit toxins that can be harmfull or fatal to humans if held. KJH

Catagory: Odd facts about frogs
Entered by: Kristina Davis
One frog in Australia's young come out of their mother's back when they are born.
Aboriginis(I don't think it is spelt correctly) suck on frog's behinds to get water out of them.
Some Australian frogs form sticky froth balls and stick their eggs in there so the eggs won't dry up.
Swimming Albino frogs eat fish, plants, and tree frogs :(
American tree frogs can hop up to 33 feet.
If your frog isn't eating, monitor it about a week. Usually it is because he is full.
Frogs' health declines if you you don't clean their cage every 3 weeks.
American Tree Frogs don't use their toungue to capture prey like in drawings. They run after it and chop down on it.
When an American Tree Frog croaks, it is actually letting air out from digesting food(burping). If they don't croak for a day or two, they could be extremely sick.
The largest frog was 14 1/2 in. long w/out legs extended Smallest was 1/2 in long.
The Poison in one Poison Arrow frog could kill 50 men.
Frogs are the hottest jewelery trend in '97

Catagory: My frog does the silliest thing...
Entered by: Jenna Gagliardi
My frog named Kermie does the silliest thing. After he eats his crickets he will open up his mouth like he was talking to me!!

Catagory: Housing/parenting frogs
Entered by: Karlie Hutchens
Ever had a problem with frog droppings causing their homes to become smelly - well just add a few slaters to the tank. These will bread and eat the frog poo creating your only little micro environmen. The frogs might even eat the slaters (unless they are being fussy!)
*** Since the Internet is a World wide communication tool, I was a little confussed by the term "slater" from a fellow frog lover "down Under" (Austrailia). I hope this response to an email I sent, might help clarify any questions:
Sorry that I didn't explain what a slater was it is just that they are so common in the part of Australia where I live that I kinda forgot to say what they are! They are a little beatle type thing that can be found outside in gardens really easily. Here if you were to go outside and lift up a pot plant you ware likely to see lots of them under the pot. You also find them around decaying matter. They are little grey animals with a softish shell that looks a bit like armour and they are flat and grow to about the size of your finger nail. They have lots of little legs and they move around a fair bit when exposed to light. It would be useful if I know the scientific name for them but I have always just know them as slaters.

Catagory: Odd facts about frogs
Entered by: Monica Mossey
Did you know that this summer some people found some deformed frogs? Such as, a leg missing, a arm missing, and much more things. Also, did you know that when frogs throw up, they throw up their stomach?

Catagory: My frog does the silliest thing...
Entered by: Katie Simino
You know some frogs eat eachother, but did you know they even eat some of the most poisonous scorpions?

Catagory:Odd facts about frogs
Entered by: Lindsay
Did you know that there are RED frogs? They live in India, but I have actually seend one. Goes to show--green isn't always the color of frogs!

Catagory:"My frog does the silliest thing..."
Entered by:Meggy
Whenever there was a opening on the lid on melvin's tank, he would jump up there and stick both his arms out. And when I walked into my room all I would see were his two arms and his little nose! Believe me, it's cuter than it sounds!

Entered by:DEREK POST

Catagory:"My frog does the silliest thing..."
Entered by:Stribling Stuber
When my frog Alfred pees, it shoots out of him like a water gun!

Catagory:Feeding hints/tips

Catagory:How I treated my frogs illness
Entered by:Holynerd
Understanding that hydrocortizone cream is the closest i've come to a miracle drug. It heals all sorts of cuts, and stuff, real quick- (Another thing that does this, is carmex.) Well, My girlfriend, has some Hyla Cinerea, and when she got them, they had raw skin on the ends of thier noses... Well, we dabbed a very very little bit -o- hydro-corto- cream on thier noses, and they healed up in a couple of weeks. I also had a problem with my Whites, he escaped, got cold, and his skin was falling off his back, kinda like a blister... The hydro-corto cream worked for that, too... Something i read, was someone had a red-eyed treefrog, and his butt was hemmoraging.. Kinda like rrhoids.. well, he used rrhoid cream, and the butt went back to normal...

Catagory:Odd facts about frogs
Entered by:Auzzie
1. White's treefrog don't just live in Australia and Indonesia, but they are also an endangered species in some part of South America.
2. The most common treefrogs in the U.S.A. are the spring peeper and the gray treefrog.
3. Red-eyed treefrogs look differnt in different parts of S. America.
4. The most toxicated frog could kill up to ten men with it's poison, and, by the way, the frog is about the size of a quarter.
5. The White's tree frog is so tame, that in the wild they have been known to hop into one's home and wait around alldy to be fed acricket or other treat by the home owners.

Catagory:Feeding hints/tips
Entered by:Auzzie
Feeding White's Treefrogs can be done 2 ways: You can either put the crickets in the cage or you can hand feed.To test to see if your frog will eat out out of your hand, grab a cricket by his back leg and shove it up to your frog's mouth( get your frog out and put him on a shelf or something before doing the previous)and if he eats it, you have tamed a frog. (note: may take several times before he/she does it)

Catagory:"My frog does the silliest thing..."
Entered by:Auzzie
My pet White's will eat out of my hand, so naturally, I get alot of laughs out of him. He will all of the sudden, open his mouth while I am sticking the cricket in his face. If any part of the cricket is sticking out of his mouth, he takes his hand and shoves it in. After eating, he burbs. It doesn't make much of a sound, but a quiet "sqeeck!".

Catagory:A Poem
Entered by:Elizabeth
picture your self with eyes in your throat,
or twelve legs on your back,
picture yourself covered with poison and pain,
or thrown cold and dead into a sack.

Poem: "picture yourself"

Catagory:Odd facts about frogs
Entered by:Kim Wimmer
The fact is I have a green tree frog. He is about 3 inches long and boy does he have a personality...Anyway Id always heard how a frog can throw up his own stomach when he has eaten something harmful and then wipes the inside of his belly with his right leg. Well I thought what a crock. I didnt believe it till I saw it. One night in the dark with just the TV on I glanced over at E.T. my frog and noticed him doing something strange like he has dancing or something. So, I turned on the lamp really quick and to my surprise here was this pink long thing hanging out his mouth. I thought,"Oh my god he's dying"..But the fact was, all of a sudden hear comes this half an inch gravel that falls out of his stomach.He then takes his right leg and actually wipes his stomach.. This was so cool but a little gross. Anyway what he had done was swallow a gravel in the terrarium while grabbing a cricket. That will teach me to stick gravels in there again. Watch your little frog about things like that. Gravel really is a bad thing to use for frogs,also you probably wont believe it till you see it..as far as frogs throwing up. What an amazing, but useful thing that nature created for them! A stomach that actually throws itself out instead of up!!!

Catagory:Odd facts about frogs
Entered by:Brandon Ganskow
Did you know there is a certain type of frog located in the Amazon Rain Forest that can actually excrete a filmy fluid which can inturn cause blisters or "warts" to break out on the area which the frog left the fluid.

Catagory:"My frog does the silliest thing..."
Entered by:The mother-frog
My frog loves it when I take an eraser and tickle his belly lightly with it. I looked around and found out that frogs are ticklish too!!

Entered by:Jen Burr
I am a 10yo/f who catches wild frogs for a living . My friend at school lives on a farm and gives me tadpoles every year . I raise them and then give them to state parks . It's fun !

Catagory:Feeding hints/tips
Entered by:Shadowspun
If you own a tadpole and can't get real plants, buy shrimp pellets to feed him instead. At the tadpole stage, they are bottom-feeders.

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