aka, LADY

I woke up to this look for 12 years.

She was so eager to please, so much fun, and a real clown. The more I talked to her, the more she would squint her little eyes until they were only little slits. Lady and BooBoo were constant companions. I usually carried one in each arm. I would take them with me everywhere. At work, there was an old style cook stove where Gerry * kept all her grooming equipment. I would put a wicker basket up on the middle section. They spent many hours in that basket either acting as the welcoming committee or waiting for me to finish for the day.

I bred Lady once. I was not real thrilled with what she produced. When she developed pyometria the choice to have her or more puppies wasn't so hard. The vet told me that pyometria could kill her in time. I loved her immensely, so she was spayed.

After I lost Lady I was not looking for another toy.

One *found* me.


 Welcome 'Princess'

the little girl that Hated the show ring. She got one point in spite of herself. I bred her to get my first homebred champion silver toy.
 Ch. Sher'Lyn's Prince of Dawn

 8'' worth of


His championship was through the expert handling of Geri Arnold.
. Princess is 11yo, Macho is 9yo. They are both very spoiled and constantly try to 'one up' each other. If one is on the couch, the other has to be on the arm of it. If one is on my lap, the other gets on my shoulder. They squabble over the pillow on the end of the couch. Since the one's nickname is 'Pillow Princess' does it tell you who wins?! These two little darlings will probably be my last toy poodles.

**In 1978, I had gone to work as a groomer for Gerry Routson Seitz. The owner of the Oakgrove Kennels. My Real introduction to the Standard Poodle. She had 2 wk. old puppies that I should never have seen!! Welcome : Oakgrove Natasha. She was very pretty, sound. I realized that she was not going to be a champion when she only grew to about 20". I bred her to Ch. Eaton Ensign in 1982. I kept the one I called "CHECKERS"
We are under construction but the saga will continue.

This page was designed by Sherry L. Aanderud. It is dedicated to the wonderful memories of my toy poodles, then and now.

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