Win Sundrop's Award

These are very special awards given by Sundrop. They are not offered on my main award page. Your site must follow these strict guidlines before you may even apply! These awards will be extremely difficult to win, ensuring they go to great sites. Just because you apply does not mean you will win!


1. NO PROFANE OR ADULT SITES! AT ALL! All sites need to be safe for EVERYONE to surf!

2. Good use of graphics, not tacky, ugly graphics, ok?

3. Excellent content! No pages with just links and graphics.

4. Great all-around design.

5. Load time. I don't mind waiting for a page to load, as long as the graphics are worth it. Helpful hint: All those animated gif's take very long to load. And if it crashes my browser, you don't g et an award.

6. Give credit where credit is due, please!

7. Originality is a good thing. If you have the same graphics as everyone else...BORING BORING BORING! These awards are for original, uniques sites!

8. NO broken graphics. If you have some, I will tell you to fix them, ok?

9. If you use frames, I would appreciate a way to break out of them.

10. I in no way consider myself a web guru, or a person that knows everything. I award sites based on what I like. It's simple, it's MY award, I have the right to give to sites I like, right?

I would prefer to give these to horse-related sites. But I'm not sure yet, so until I post otherwise, I'll allow all sites (except adult!) to apply. And if I change my mind and you all ready have an award & it's not horse-related, you can keep it.

Sites will be rated as follows:

Ease of navigation (1-10, 10 being highest, 1 lowest)

Originality (1-10)

Layout (1-10)

Topic (1-10)

Graphics (1-10)

Impression (1-10)

Load Time (1-5)

Usefullness to Web Community (1-5)

Pleasing to the eye (1-10)

Extra brownie points to horse-related sites, as to the fact Sundrop is a horse and likes other horses...

Content (1-10)


Bronze: 50-60


Gold: 75-84

Diamond: 85-90

Now, if your site does not meet the rating for the bronze award, you may receive a special plaque, for your effort and hard work, if I find you deserve it.

Now...for the awards!

The Bronze Award

Sundrop's Bronze Award of Excellence

This award will go to sites that make me say Wow! How did they do that!

The Silver Award

Sundrop's Silver Award of Excellence

This award will go to sites that make me say "Whoa! Cool! How did they do that?! I need to go work on my site!"

The Gold Award

Sundrop's Gold Award of Excellence

This award will go to sites that make me want to trash my website and start all over again. (Yes, there have been sites that have made me do that, although not very many)

The Diamond Award

Sundrop's Diamond Award of Excellence

In the Appaloosa Horse Club, there is a medallion award system. Bronze, Silver, and Gold medallions are offered. There is also a diamond one. I'm not sure if any horse has ever won a diamond. It is the hardest award to get. Your horse must be extremely versatile, winning championships in everything from racing to halter to western pleasure to jumping. That's like this award. It is the hardest award to get.Oh yeah, you can't apply for it. If I feel your site is worthy, I will award it to you.

Now, if you are feeling intimidated, you can go to my main awards page and apply for the awards there. They are still difficult to win, but not as difficult as these.

Good luck to you all!

Oh yes, and I would appreciate it if you would sign my guestbook. Not required & will not affect my judging, but a nice gesture, don't ya think? It's located on my main page.

So, think you have a chance? Send me an e-mail with your name, e-mail address, website title, and website address. Good luck!

Sundrop's Homepage


Filly for sale!!!! / About Sundrop / Sundrop's Story / Sundrop's Pedigree / Sundrop's Favorite Links / Sundrop's Favorite Quotes / Sundrop's Appaloosa Heritage / Appaloosa Links / Appaloosa Poems & Songs / Goofy / See Sundrop's Awards / Win Sundrop's Award / Sundrop's Webrings / Sundrop's Photo Gallery

Thank you RaNae for the wonderful sparkly stallion image you have allowed me to use. I greatly appreciate it. Please visit RaNae's site, RaKen Arabians and Pintos, it is absolutely wonderful!

Sundrop's Award:   CLICK HERE

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