A Voice for the Voiceless

pet1.gif graphic by Tiffany

Why we should be against animal cruelty:

Animal cruelty - the delibrate torture of an animal for the thrill of causing pain to a creature smaller and weaker.

Did you know that there is a proven link between people who abuse animals to those that murder and hurt people? I have the facts gathered here


Nothing is nicer than the unconditional love given to us by our pets. It is a proven fact that animals make you happy, lower blood pressure, and reduce stress. So why don't we speak out against those who hurt our precious friends? Now is your chance to 'be the voice for the voiceless.'

I love you

This page is dedicated to all those who died because no one was their voice


"The day will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals the way they now look upon the murder of men."
- Leonardo Da Vinci

puppy1.gif graphic by Tiffany

"I ask for the privilege of not being born
...not to be born until you can assure me a home and a master to protect me, and the right to live as long as I am physically able to enjoy life."


Magic 'N Paradise owned by Denny Corcoran

Thanks Gollehon for this image

Why must our friends die?

No more abuse!

More Animal Welfare Pages

Spay/Nueter - it saves lives!

Puppy Mills - do you know the truth?

Premarin - cruel abuse

Horse Slaughter

Save a paw - Don't declaw!

Animal Welfare Links



Geocities - give the animals a voice

Thanks Catstuff for some of these graphics.

Thanks Dana for the bar