Tiffany's Place

Premarin: The awful truth

The most commonly used product for ERT (estrogen replacement therapy) is Premarin. Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories is the only pharmaceutical company which manufactures this product.

Premarin is derived from the urine of pregnant mares. (Yes, as in horses.) Introduced in 1942, before natural and synthetic alternatives were commonly available. It it became the leading drug (and still is) for ERT.

Over 50,000 mares a year are impregnated and tied in small stalls with rubber sacks strapped on them, so that their urine can be collected to make Premarin. They are denied free access to water so that their urine will yield a more concentrated estrogen. Most of the foals resulting from these pregnancies are shipped off to slaughter.

There are many effective estrogen-replacement drugs on the market which are derived from plant or synthetic estrogens. All of these drugs closely copy human estrogen without the added horse estrogens and impurities. Some of these drugs also have FDA approval for the prevention of osteoporosis and none of them cause this horrendous misery and slaughter of mares and foals.

Some of the FDA-approved alternatives to Premarin are Ogen, Estrace, Estradiol Transdermal System, Estradiol tablets, Estropipate, Estrone, and Menest. Climara, Estinyl, Estraderm, Estratab, Estratest, Meneste, Ogen, Ortho-Est, Tace, Provera are all produced from either beets, yams, sweet potato, mexican yam, vegetable sources, soy, synthetic sources or combinations of those items. No animals are brutally slaughtered, none give birth to have their young taken and butchered (and animals DO grieve losing their young!), none are confined to horrendous, unnatural lives. Death is inevitable, but there is no excuse for cruelty.

Premarin Links

Premarin (PMU) Farms Controversy

Premarin: Prescription for Animal Cruelty

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