My Poetry

"I Wanna..."

I wanna cry,
I wanna die,
I wanna stop living this lie.

I wanna cease to exist,
Because I am so pissed.
I'm so sick and tired of being dissed.

I'm so sick and tired of being teased.
I really wanna be pleased.
I wanna be released,
From the pain of life.

"The Light"

When I die,
And lie,
Flat on the ground,
And I am found,
Then they will finally see,
My way of ending,
My misery.

I will see,
The eternal light,
Shine so bright,
For me.
I am free.

"Why Am I Here?"

Why am I here?
Why must I constantly live in fear?
Why am I crying every day?
Why must I feel this way?
Why when I want to talk,
I don't know what to say?
What makes me feel this way?
So many questions will remain unanswered,
Even after my darkest day.


Fighting tears,
That I have bottled up,
All through the years,
The tears flow away,
With my fears.

Suicidal thoughts fill my empty mind,
As my teeth start to grind.
My conscious turns guilty,
And takes over my mind.
I feel filthy.

The pain sets in,
And I start thinking of a mortal sin.
I play the game of life,
But I never win.

Let me die,
So I no longer have to live this life,
This lie.
So live and let me die.


In my darkest moment of despair,
When I know not how to bear,
I sit back, dazed and confused,
And wonder why life is unfair.

I cry a lot.
Some times in places,
Where I should not,
But still, I cry a lot.

My mind is filled with fear,
As my eye sheds its single tear.
I try hard to heal my pain,
But I fear going insane.


As I sit here,
And my conscious fills with fear,
I wait for my eye to shed its single tear.

I wait for the phone,
To ring,
To assure me,
That I am not alone.

I am depressed.
My thoughts repressed,
School has me so stressed.


School's a pain.
There are so many teachers,
Who play with my brain.
Some are crazy,
While I am just lazy.
Most will drive me insane.
Some only exist now,
On memory lane,
But others still mess,
With my poor little brain.


Last night,
I had a fight,
With myself,
Over whether or not,
To kill myself.

People are so cruel,
To me.
As I wonder,
When this world,
Will free me,
And Death himself,
Will see me.


This world hates me.
It's slowly killing me.
It's a depressing world out there.

So many people hate me.
Only Death will free me.
And then, I will only be,
A memory.

This world will not free me.
Only I can free me.
I can bring the death of me.
For happiness,
I cannot see.


Life is so confusing.
It's a game we are all losing.
The will to live vanishing,
It's all too confusing.

Death seems imminent,
Even though it is so permanent.
There's a room,
Which holds my doom.

I don't know where my mind is going,
Or if it is slowing.
But I do know my face,
Is no longer glowing.
For soon, the blood will be flowing.
And I will be dead,
Without others knowing.


Unexplained tears,
Unexplained fears,
Have haunted me,
Throughout my years.

Only death,
Will end all these fears,
That have haunted me,
Though all these years.

All the tears,
I have shed,
Have me all,
Messed up in the head.
Why have I been tormented through all these years?

"Cruel People of the World"

On this day,
People told me,
To go away,
And they fail to see,
The pain they cause me.

People tell me,
To leave them alone,
Even though,
I am already alone,
And I ask,
"Why is it so?"
"Why have I sunk so low?"


Gives me,
A sense,
Of security,
A sense,
That I can be free.
But insanity,
Is only imaginary,
For me.


My mind is lost,
And filled,
With confusion,
About the illusion,
Called life.

Security is lost,
And insecurity,
Is all I see.
And all I feel,
Is misery.


I do not know where I am going in life.
I do not know if I will ever have a wife.
Some people tell me I have no life.
But, actually, I have a life.
Which I can end with a knife.

They say killing yourself is a sin.
But they do not know,
Where I have been.
They do not know,
I am not going to get the win,
In the game,
They call life.

And if killing yourself is a sin,
Then what is verbal abuse?
And physical abuse?
If you put your mind,
To use,
You will find they are, too, a sin.


This guilty feeling,
Has me crying,
And on the brink,
Of dying.

I don't have a lot of time,
To think.
I just continue,
To sink.

I'm tired of feeling,
So guilty,
I want to be free.
I want to be able to see,
The light.

"Seeing Me"

If you want to see me,
Then walk right down,
To the cemetery,
For it is where,
I will forever be.
For in my life,
I could not see,
The happier side,
Of me.

But I just wonder,
Now can you see,
All the pain,
You caused me?
I just needed,
To be free,
So I, too, could see.


So many tears,
Represent so many fears,
So many fears,
That have taunted me,
Throughout my years.

So many fears,
Haunt me,
All these years,
And then come,
The tears,
From my eyes,
To wash away all fears.

"My Purpose"

No need to wonder,
Why I am here,
For I was put here,
To live in fear,
Throughout each and every year.

Shed from my eye is a single tear,
And I owe it all,
To all the fear.

And although,
I am not unknown,
To all the fear,
Fear is something,
I do not condone.

"Holiday Feeling"

Tears flow,
As the lights glow,
And I sit here,
Without any snow,
Feeling so low,
And lonely inside,
I wonder,
Why I haven't died,
Why they have always lied,
And why I have always cried.

Is it just me?
Or was I not meant to be free?
Was the light not meant for me to see?
Maybe, I was not meant to be.
Maybe, I was not meant to see,
The light,
That will free me.

"No One Nowhere"

Laying in my bed,
Nearly dead,
As thoughts race,
Through my head,
And things are being said.
But I cannot hear,
For I live,
In fear.

Only in death,
Do people really care.
And why do they sit and stare?
Why is life so unfair?
Why didn't they care?
Why do I cry?
Why do I want to die?

So no one really does care.
They don't realize,
When it's too much to bear.
And when that heart,
Begins to rip apart,
No one's there.

Had they only cared,
And not stared,
And not fought,
That future that seemed,
So far out,
Might have been.

"A Pair of Sixes"

Left out in the cold,
Only to grow old,
And hope not to fold,
In the poker game,
Called life.


Can I kill myself?
Yes, I can,
Kill myself,
But I lack,
The strength,
And the courage,
To kill myself.

I feel so guilty,
So empty,
So unhappy,
So sad,
So bad,
And all I want,
Is to be free.

"Please Answer Me"

Lonely is I.
Why can't I die?
Why do I cry?
So many questions,
Only to remain unanswered.

Why have I survived?
Why have I lived?
Why do I need to know?
The glow,
Is already gone.
And soon,
I will be,


Will I see tomorrow?
Or will the world see tears of sorrow?

I'm so confused,
Like I've been used,
When really,
I've been of no use.
I can't stand all this verbal abuse.

"Being Dead"

Things are said,
And they make me think,
About being dead.
Is it really true?
Or is it all just in my head?
And I begin to sink.
And I get to the point,
Where I can't even think.

"Who Cares? "

Drowning in my own tears,
And a pool of hate,
Now they don't even care,
If I ate.

Living with all these fears,
Through all these years,
And I still don't know where,
I am going.


Laughing through tears,
But crying through fears,
It's all an anthem,
Of these crazy years.

"Desire For Change"

I wanna go,
To a better place,
And put a different face,
On my life,
And put away,
The knife.


I sit up every night,
Chilled to the bone,
Trying to win this fight,
Called depression.

I feel no need,
To be here,
And live in fear,
Not knowing how,
To bear,
When nobody's,

"My Darkness

Long nights,
And gruesome fights,
Cloud the bright lights,
That used to be.

The clouds,
Are all I see,
Even though,
All I want,
Is to be free,
And to be me.

"Losing Sight"

Every day,
I hurt.
Every day,
I flirt,
With death.

Every night,
It's depression I fight,
With all my might,
But still,
Losing sight,
Of the world.

"That Empty Feeling"

Emptiness fills me,
As the pain slowly kills me.
Emptiness fills me,
As the pills slowly kill me.

Guilt fills me,
As I wait,
For something to free me,
And tell me,
I have won,
The fight,
And can now see,
The light.

"The Lesson"

Tears are commonplace,
As they roll down my face,
And I leave this world,
Without a trace.

And as they move me,
To my final resting place,
I put a new face,
On suicide,
For I have died.

"That's Life"

Creates an illusion,
In my now confused mind,
And I soon begin,
To live an illusion.


Living illusion,
Living confusion,
Why must I feel like an intrusion?
Why must I deal with exclusion?
I kind of wonder,
How I've lived through all this,


I try to cry,
But no tears,
Nothing at all,
But sometimes,
The tears,
Like endless rain.

"Locked Up"

As I run against padded walls,
In my paper gown,
Wearing nothing more than a frown
The nurses run frantically,
Down the institution halls,
I finally know,
This is reality.
And that I am not free.
I am locked up.
And they threw away the key.

"The Bruise"

Blacks, blues,
And light green,
Only color,
Any emotional bruise,
I've ever seen,
Living here,
As a depressed teen.

"Brain Damage"

I go to school,
Every day,
Only to see,
My mind decay.


Dead bodies,
Lying on the floor.
Dying bodies,
Crying at the door.
Don't they know?
We can't take anymore.
We can't take anymore,
Of the horror.


Looking down,
At the ground,
Wearing a frown,
Wondering why I'm still around,
And not six feet underground.


Through open spaces,
Both narrow and wide,
I see many faces,
And the pain they hide.

Also through those spaces,
I look at the faces,
Both near and afar.

On some faces, I see tears,
Simply resembling fears.

On others, I only see wrinkles,
Symbolizing years.

But on several, I see nothing.
And although I see nothing,
I know the pain,
They are hiding.

And while I cannot make,
Their emotional scars disappear,
I look to the sky above,
And shed my own tear.

"Confusion and a Dog"

Confusion is a dog,
Chasing its own tail.
Confusion is a dog,
Sounding its midnight wail.

Confusion is many things,
Like after being underwater,
Only to hear the water,
As it sings.

Confusion is waking suddenly,
In the middle of the night.
Confusion is wondering,
Why people fight.

Confusion is pain,
And going insane.
Confusion is dancing,
In the rain.


It's unfortunate how we fight,
By the shining moonlight.
Knowing it is wrong,
Only makes it more improper.
No matter how long,
It may last.

I am sick and tired,
Of the fighting,
And how it happens,
Like a thousand firecrackers igniting,
In unison.

A thousand men,
Fought and lost.
They lost.
They lost a war,
And many lost their lives.

"Tears of Sanity"

Through the pouring rain,
Are my tears full of pain.
And despite the rain,
The pain still lies,
Deep within.

So there I am,
Standing in the rain,
Nearly dancing.
But still come those tears of pain.
But maybe,
It is those tears of pain,
That keep me sane.


Lacking energy,
Death hungry,
Sitting alone,
Shaking lightly,
Feeling guilty;
All that remains of me,
Living here in misery.

"Shut Down"

I'm tired.
I'm weak,
Terribly afraid to speak.

My heart is racing.
But I know not what it is,
I am facing.
My head is aching.
But I know not,
What is happening.


Laying in my bed,
Crying in my bed,
Watching the demons,
As they rush through my head.

Depression is here
And so is the constant fear,
The fear of crying,
The fear of dying.


I fell again,
And the depression set in,
As the fears slowly rush in.

The tears start falling,
And Death is silently calling,

The Death to which I will succumb.

"The Dark Hole"

Deep down inside my soul,
There lies a hole.

A dark hole,
Of depression,
And guilt.

A dark hole,
Full of tears,
A dark hole,
Full of crying.
A dark hole,
Filled of thoughts,
Of dying.

I know not how I sank,
Into that dark hole,
But I wonder,
How it drilled,
Into my soul.

People call that dark hole,
But I call that dark hole,
An unfortunate imprint,
On my soul.

"Life is a Journey"

For some,
Life is a road.
For others,
Life is a path,
In the woods.

But for many,
Life is,
And always will be,
A seemingly endless journey,
A journey,
I never want to end.

And for all,
No matter how scenic,
The path,
Or how smooth,
The road,
There will always be,
Bumps in the road,
And fallen trees in the path.

But despite those obstacles,
They will be overcame,
And there will be,
Triumphs a many to cherish.

"The Rain"

Nature sounds,
Its medley,
Of light,
And rumbling clashes.

People run and squirm,
Through the rain,
But I,
I cherish the rain,
And want to dance,
And sing,
In the rain.

"A Hole"

Into a hole,
I have fallen.
A hole,
Of depression and despair,
Is where I lie,
Weak and lifeless.

A hole of no escaping,
Is where I remain,
Struggling with the pain,
The pain,
Of life.

A hole of thoughts,
Purely of the pain we endure,
Entraps my mind.
A void,
Of confusion, uncertainty,
And insecurity,
Lies within.

"Seeing More"

I see not triumphs,
Nor defeat.
I see not victories,
Nor retreat.

Because I see nothing,
Bad nor good,
I see very little,
Of what I should.

To see more,
Remains only a wish,
But I want to see more,
Before I perish.


Hatred is an emotion,
So strong,
So confusing,
So misunderstood.

Hatred is a feeling,
That entails many things,
Hatred is,
By no means,

Hatred is a thought,
Upon all I wish not.
Hatred is something,
That shall not,
Be forgotten.


Sometimes we need,
A shoulder to cry on.
Sometimes we need,
A shoulder to lie on,
Sometimes we need,
Someone to talk to.
Sometimes we need,
Something to do.

Sometimes we need,
Someone to heal,
Wounds that do not bleed.
Sometimes we need,
Someone to hold on to.
Sometimes we need,
To shed tears,
Tears that lack meaning.

Sometimes we need,
To hear a soothing voice.
Sometimes we need,
To rearrange our thoughts.
Sometimes we need,
To pick our fights.
Sometimes we need,
Simply to be free.

"Night Fight"

The darkness of night,
Accentuated only by a lone street light,
At first,
A seemingly harmless sight,
But beneath the darkness,
Surfaces a fight,
But not your ordinary fight.

It is a fight,
Between a man,
A lonely man,
And his inner self,
His own demons,
His thoughts,
And his emotions.

He did not choose,
This fight,
And his eyes are blind,
To the light.
This fight,
Lacks witnesses,
Lacks cameras,
And the media, too,
But that matters not.

It is not an easy battle,
Fighting demons,
Mixed emotions,
And fears,
Many of which are unexplained.

The pain is there,
But as apathetic as the man is,
He cares not.

"Chasing Demons"

All my life,
There have been,

Some have been,
And others,
Are very unreal,
So unreal,
They were imaginary.

Some are living,
And others live only,
In my nightmares.
I wonder,
Why they failed,
Failed to hear my screams.

Some of the demons,
Seem friendly,
But only until they reveal,
Their true,
And they first inflict,
Their wrath of misery.

But regardless of kind,
And for some reason unknown,
I continue,
Continue to chase my demons.


Hidden is the light,
At the end of the tunnel.
Hidden is a fight,
Between man,
And himself.

Hidden are the scars,
From his ordeal.
He hopes they do not come alive,
They seem so real.
Hidden are his tears,
Silent but screaming.
Hidden are his fears,
Beneath his falling tears.

Left unheard are his cries,
For help.
Crying is his damaged soul,
For help.
Aching is his mind,
For love.
Aching is his heart,
For love.

Hidden is his needless guilt,
Guilt so misunderstood,
Guilt that would be ended,
If he only could.

"My Mind"

My mind,
Is something,
So precious,
So beautiful,
And sometimes confusing.

My mind,
Meanders throughout,
Its confines.

My mind,
Contains my thoughts,
Some elaborate,
And others negligible.

My mind,
Holds my feelings,
My emotions,
The happiness,
I feel,
And the sadness,
I endure.

My mind,
Is sometimes kind,
But sometimes not.
It lets me wander about,
And other times,
It keeps me under His wing.

But all in all,
My mind,
Is a key to me,
A key to who I am,
And a key to how I feel.

"Depressing Spring"

It is spring.
The atmosphere,
Is one,
Which is calming,
Calming like,
The day's bright sunlight,
Occasional soothing rains,
And calming,
Calming like,
The glimmering moonlight,
Of a brisk spring night.

But inside,
Inside lie,
Souls that are,
Lost and confused.

Inside also lie,
Depressed souls,
And souls,
That want,
Want to die.

These are souls,
Souls that need,
And souls that bleed,
Souls that need someone,
Or something,
Something to soothe,
Their unbearable pain,
And the emptiness,
The emptiness,
That surrounds them.


In this world,
There are so many people,
So many people,
Who are sensually impaired.

These people,Blind to what happens,
In this world.
They see nothing,
And therefore,
Know little.

These people,
Are also deaf,
Deaf to what,
Is said,
And they are deaf,
Deaf to what they need,
What they need to hear.
Also because they fail,
Fail to hear,
Their knowledge,
Is miniscule.

These people,
Also feel,
No emotion.
Because they feel,
They are stolid,
Stolid to pain,
And unaffected,
By things,
Both physical,
And emotional.

Given the above,
I wonder,
Wonder if these people,
Are normal,
Or if,
They are of,
An alien race.

But then again,
What is normal?
What is correct?
What is acceptable?

Fact is, however,
There is no 'normal,'
And there is no,
In people,
For we are all,

"I Am Me"

I am someone,
Someone with,
A great personality,
And one who possesses,
Outstanding qualities.
I am me.

I am a person,
A person,
Who possesses,
Several philosophies,
Of the world.
I am me.

I am someone,
Someone with,
Great love,
But love,
That lies,
Only within.
I am me.

I am someone,
Who possesses,
The freedom,
To express,
And the freedom,
To write.
I am me.

I am someone,
Who is intelligent,
And someone,
Who is bright.
I am me.

Simply put,
I am me!


Poetry is life.
Poetry is simply,
Just another language,
Another language,
I speak.

Poetry is an expression,
An expression,
Of my feelings,
My emotions,
And my life.

"Poetry and Life"

My life is one,
One that is lived,
Not in days,
But in stanzas,
And in poems,
Because with poetry,
There are,
No rules,
And there are,
No schemes.

My life,
Is lived,
Not in hours,
Or even minutes,
But rather,
In lines,
And spaces,
All on a page,
A page,
In a book,
A book,
That is also,
My life.

Poetry is music,
Music to my ears.
Poetry is the music,
That always calms,
My fears.
Poetry is the music,
That tends to dry,
My tears.


Some time ago,
I was depressed,
Very depressed.
It lasted so long,
I almost thought,
It was normal,
But I knew,
Deep down inside,
It was not.

Depression was nearly killing me,
Nearly going to eliminate me,
But somehow,
I held on.

Then one day,
Someone heard my cries,
My cries for help,
Saw through,
My suicidal thoughts,
Saw through,
The pain,
And took action,
And that person,
I cannot thank more.

So with one phone call,
The road to recovery,
Was finally paved,
And I knew,
It would be,
A long, bumpy,
And winding path.

Therapy began,
As did the much needed help,
And it did what was supposed to do.
It helped.

Some time passed,
But the help never ceased.
It only improved.
It improved,
Because of a pill,
A pill,
Of green and white.
Its active ingredient,
Is called fluoxetine
But I know it simply,
As Prozac.

Soon I saw changes,
Changes in my life,
And in my mood.
I was what I had always wanted,
But could not seem to obtain.
I was happy,
Happy for the changes.

The symptoms,
And flooded I was,
With happiness,
Not despair,
And suicidal ideation,
Nor great fears,
Nor emotional pain.

So all in all,
A small pill,
Of green and white,
Worked wonders for me,
And changed my life,
For the better.

"Road to Recovery"

I still cry.
I still want,
To die.

But despite those,
Those flaws,
I refuse,
Refuse to succumb,
To the elements,
The elements of depression.

I refuse,
I want,
To survive.

I want to survive,
And survive simply,
Because I,
I am on the road,
The road,
To recovery.

"Stuck in the Middle"

Stuck in the middle,
Of a fight,
Is a young boy.

This boy,
Is confused,
And probably,
Frightened at the media,
The protests,
And a family,
His own family,
A family,

On one side,
Lies the government,
And the boy's father.
On the other side,
Lies another family,
One of aunts, uncles,
And of cousins.

But despite all,
The boy,
He remains,
And stuck,
In the middle.

"The Wall"

Society as a whole,
Is a wall,
But each aspect of society,
Accounts for only,
One brick,
One brick in the wall.

And in the wall,
The parts to society,
The pieces of the puzzle,
They remain,
Until they die.
They remain until,
They are eliminated,
Or are simply blown away,
Like a solitaire leaf,
A leaf on a breezy fall,

Deeper within the wall,
There are many groups,
But of those groups,
Two stand out.
They stand out,
As opposites,
And as views,
Views of society,
And outcasts.

With the conformists,
Come patterns,
Patterns clearly seen,
And patterns of a part of society,
That follows all the rules,
So easily seen,
The blind,
Can see.

On the other side,
You have outcasts,
A more confusing group,
More confusing,
Because alone
,Outcasts are confusing.

Are alone,
Alone in this society.
They group together,
To keep each other strong,
Through times bad,
And be there for each other,
Through times,
Of deep pain.

Society as a whole,
The wall,
Is a confusing place.

"The War"

I express,
A philosophy,
A philosophy,
Life is a war,
But not a war,
Of clashing enemies.

It is a war,
We all fight,

It is a war,
Of minds,
And personalities,
A psychological war.

The battles,
Are not between armies,
But rather,
Conflicting thoughts,
And of waves,
Waves of emotion.

When those emotions,
Tensions rise,
And real wars,
Those where,
People are involved,
And real lives,
Are lost,

"Within Myself"

Within myself,
Lies a poetic mind.
Within myself,
Lies a lost soul.
Within myself,
Lies a confused mind.
Within myself,
Lies a soul,

Within myself,
And my mind,
Lies brilliance.
Within myself,
Is a mind,
One that is philosophical.
Within myself,
Is a kind soul.

But within that soul,
Lies a hole,
A hole,
Symbolizing the past,
And the pain,
My soul,
Has endured.

Despite all pain,
And weakness,
I strive,
Strive to remain,
For it is,
Within myself.

"Broken Promises"

Promises are made.
Some are kept,
But often,
Often others are broken,
Broken like a windshield,
On Friday the Thirteenth.

And with broken promises,
Come people,
Furious people,
People full of anger.

Promises that are seldom kept,
Are kept close,
Close like under a bird's wing,
And believe me,
There's nothing closer.

And keeping promises,
Well, it ain't easy.
It's hard.

Knowing someone,
Someone who keeps promises,
Ain't easy either,
Unless there is a trust,
A trust between two people,
A bond so special.

We are all hurt,
Hurt by promises,
Promises broken,
Broken like dreams.


Censorship is an issue,
An issue,
That I loathe,
Loathe to discuss.

Hurts us all.
It hurts authors,
Authors of censored work,
And it hurts,
Our children,
Children who should,
Read banned books,
And learn,
Of why,
Why they were banned.

In itself,
Is a crime,
A crime,
Against society,
A crime,
Against people,
And a crime,
This world,
Does not have,
To endure.


I have a hunger,
A hunger for life,
And a hunger for peace,
A hunger for tranquility.

I have a hunger,
A hunger for freedom,
And a hunger for time,
Time alone.

I have a hunger,
A hunger for death,
And a hunger for relief,
Relief from the pain,
The pain of life.

I have a hunger,
A hunger for depression,
A depression so low,
It will end,
With my own death.

All in all,
I have many hungers,
Hungers for things,
Good and bad,
And hungers for things,
Eccentric and real.

"I am a Poet"

I am,
A person,
A person,
With a brilliant mind,
But more so,
I am,
A poet.

I am a poet,
A poet who possesses,
Many ideas,
Ideas both new,
And old.

And as a poet,
I write,
I write of my,
Ideas controversial,
And ideas,
Ideas that are,
Agreed upon.

Some people say,
They like,
My poetry,
And others,
Others say,
They disapprove,
Of It.

But for those,
Those who disapprove,
I ignore,
And ignore them I do,
With great pride.


Inspirations come,
In many forms.
From nature,
To a solitaire picture,
Hanging on a wall,
Can be of inspiration.

People even,
Can inspire,
Other people.
They can inspire them,
To write,
Or to do things,
Things they would,
Otherwise not do.

People and things,
Have always seemed,
Seemed to be,
Of inspiration,
Of inspiration to me.

Those people,
And things,
Cause me,
To ponder,
Ponder what,
What to write,
Or what,
To do.

"Missing Pieces"

Life is full,
Full of pieces,
Pieces both present,
And missing.
And all through,
Our lives,
We are on a search,
An expedition to find,
Find the missing pieces.

And in our quests,
We find,
Things unpleasant,
In the mix,
The mix of pieces.

And we,
As people,
Are pieces,
Pieces to a puzzle,
And with absence,
We are,
Missing pieces.

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Body Language
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