

I do not have a lot to say
just here for you in time.
My feelings on the very edge
played out for you in rhyme.
All I want to do my friend
let you look through a different eye
to a world some Soldiers' can never see
their fate back then to die.

They had the same quite lofty goals
so young with loved ones there
Someday to hold a new born son
To kiss a wife with care.
What they lost, is mine today
I held the new born sons.
I watched them grow in mirrors of me
In fields I watched them run.

A pretty wife? Oh yes, that too
I'd give it all away
To Jack and Bill and Joe and Tom,
reverse it if I may.

I know they died an awful death
in a jungle all alone
And protesting placards in the street
were all they had at Home.

And all I want to say to you
not too late to make it right
And I'll keep "pushing", until you care!
Long into the night.

to no one in particular: Dave/11bravovet

"The Man"

Met a man all dressed in black
Tatoos and leather on his back
Afraid to speak to him was I
Until he looked me in the eye
For He a Brother just like Me
And even the hurt was hard to see.

So there I sat to speak my piece
with this man that some may leave
and he had tales to stir the soul
a hidden history to grieve..

He'd been to Nam to serve his time
and died for us a thousand times...
and rode His Harley just to keep
himself so hard to find
He like me could not come Home
those he thought He'd left behind.

And all the time we saw the eyes
some think we cannot find
and when we finished our gentle talk
He walked away that day
then he was gone into the night
But I'm sure I heard him say...
Welcome Home my Brother
I'm here for you..Don't fear
I'm glad you took the time with me..
I must leave, the time is near

He left without a roaring sound
but as I looked to see.
His leather turned to angel wings...
and that's what's guided me...



So go ahead! Take a piece of me!
Exact your pound of flesh!
What Sin of mine stands out to you?
What doesn't meet your test?

I'm just a man, who has to live.
And give myself in time!
Why don't you understand?, my dear.
And read inside my rhyme.

Someday the weight will crush the will,
The cage will open wide!
And unknowing then they all will stare,
To see what lay inside.

Then don't scratch my name into a "Wall",
Don't carve it on a stone.
Just understand "I tried to live",
but never could come home.



Fairy Bells & Lady Slippers of
"Eternal Spring"

Look through these delicate petals here, A wildflower of the Spring.
Beyond to the granite memories, this poem is about to bring.
Though time and weather has dulled the words, some difficult to read,
Their wild petals never forget the life, and recreate the seed.
The tombstones here some recent, some 1800's and before,
Some died of illness..some died alone..
Some died in Hero's War.

But every Voice is heard by me, in the quiet of this hill.
And every petal blooms each Spring,
For generations will.

I did not ask the privilage to live, when others lost their lives.
Nor expect these wildflowers simple petals, to stream tears from this Soldier's eyes.
But on this morning they drew me here,
To this they often do.
Assuring me in simple beauty,

To find Peace ..I hope, for you.

Dave/11bravovet 3 16, 1998

Dove: Courtesy of BlackWolf.

The Dove

I've spent my life in restless search, some small thing to hold in my hand.
It came to me in Angelic form, a Dove too weak to stand.
I gently cradled her to my heart, and smoothed the wing-tips there.
And whispered it would know, I have nothing now but care.
I'd seen them fly so freely before, on the mist of a morning dawn.
But this one needed a gentle touch, for awhile to carry on.

It did not know I needed it too, To heal the soul of this man.
It could not know I needed a spirit, just to cradle in my hand.
It could not see my words were true. A wild creature from the start.

In the beauty, a snow-bound wilderness lake,
It flew away with my heart.
I thought now of caging it here, to never let it be free.
But healing now she yearns for flight, beneath the clouds that be.
I open my hand to let her fly, on skies of velvet dawn.
And return in sorrow to the edge of the lake,
Knowing she's finally gone.

Dave/11bravovet 2-28-1998


A Place in the Sun

The eyes of a wolf-child fill with tears, on the edge of a cliff run red.
With the blood of ancestors, screams still heard,
In the Eagle over-head.

He pierces her heart...deep with talons, but not to cause her pain.
But to carry her aloft on the healing Winds, away from the harm again.
Soaring then to another life, a meadow in full bloom.
He gently sets her down in Peace, climbs slowly to the moon.

He has left her here in beauty, at the edge of a timbered lake.
In the care of Wolves that watch her still,
And guard against those who take.

Here she will grow with Spirit deep, protected by the golden eyes.
And here she lives in happiness. Above the Eagle flies.
One day when she may return at last, to the edge of that blood-soaked bluff.

But for now ..through the eyes of Eagles and Wolves,
Her Spirit is enough.

Dave/11bravovet 2-27-1998

The Web Weaver

The spider's web, patiently built, is a fragile gift of line.
That holds his work in intricate style,
Dew laden in morning time.

How simple you think to duplicate this, but try it sometime and you'll see.
The attention to detail is only his own, as none in Creation can be.
His pattern unique, none other like his,
As different as each grain of sand.
He gives it to you, for he has nothing else.
Take care or you'll crush with your hand.

Yes it is true..He can go on, he follows the plan made in trust,
And when it is quiet, he'll silently work,
Hidden in hours of dusk.

Then on the rising sun of the day, his pattern now there in full view.
It catches the sunlight ..for another to see,
Reflecting back twinkling of dew.

Dave/11bravovet 2-25-1998


The wolves no longer race the ridgeline, searching for a kill.

They've made peace with me and are resting now, beside the waters still.

The terror and the longer in their eyes.

No longer blood upon the ground, no longer wailing cries.

They are the brothers now that follow me, to protect me from the pain.

Leading me on the path to take, away from harm again.

An Angel showed me the power she held, a gift of a caring heart.

And led me away from certain death, that running would impart.

With a touch of her heart she guides my words, and rhymns them on this page.

Held out her hand and touched my soul, to quiet for me the rage.

An now I have a promise to keep, to an Angel and a Soldier friend.

No longer to race the ridgelines in fear,

Hoping for an untimely end.

Dave/11bravovet 2-24-1998


Candles Unlit Reveal Tomorrows

Another 11bravo

Another dies and leaves me here, to worry for the rest.

I don't want to have this charge,

Can't really stand the test.

There must be another path for me.

There must be another day.

There has to be someplace to hide,

I can't live and I can't stay.

Carry me off on an Eagle's wing.

To a spot behind the cloud.

And shield from me the sickening view,

Behind a deafening shroud.

Then and there the sun will shine, and spirits will be free.

Then and there the dew is sweet,

To quench the thirst of me.

But here are days of thunder, that roll in from the past.

Oh, Eagle it is time I fear,

Don't let this hurting last.

Written by the Music 2-16-1998 11bravo

The Prey

Give me the strength to carry on,

I must not sleep to seek the dawn.

Pounding wind steal me afar, away from the memories that still mar,

The soul of a Soldier who cannot see,

Why You are piling torments on me.

Take the talons from my chest, Ive bled enough to join the rest.

For once free I will hide from You, among the mosses away from view.

There on some river the Peaceful sound, of rippling water will abound.

And none can see the scars of War,

Hidden in the rocks forever more.

For I can push it all away, and heal from the wounds of Yesterday.

And there the dew will sparkle free,

In tears of healing that none can see.

But so alone as I have been.

Punished for what...? Ending when....?

Dave/11bravovet 2-17-1998


Understand the Eagle, who glides above a hill in the morning sky.

And lonely he be..though brave and strong, false echoes in a screaming cry.

His vision is haunted by sorrows of past, but not so..that he can't see a light.

That calls to his soul from a distant ridge, and comforts his heart through the night.

The sound of a voice is what keeps him aloft. If it stops he will plunge to the depths.

So he listens and waits on the updrafts of hope, for the sounds of returning steps.

And he soars on the drafts of continual mist, masking laughter to cover the pain.

And patiently waits for the river to form,

Growing steadily in rivulets of rain.

Dave/11bravovet 2-16-1998

War Drums

A familiar scene plays out for me, you can see it on the news.

In close-up shots, young children now, hug fathers they may lose.

The build up and the words of War, haunt my every thought.

You'd think for me my War has passed.

Pay attention! It has not.

What troubles me now is a blood soaked dream,

Can't stop the flow at will.

As thousands of Vets, we fear the worst. Mirrored in The Wall for us still.

My prayers are with these men today, they have a job to do.

Lend them your support when they return, their lives are up to You.

For the wounds they carry, you may not see.

They'll smile and say they are fine.

But when thunder returns to haunted eyes, there will be a definite line.

Don't cross it with words to open wounds, let them heal in a quiet spot.

If you think the task easy, history will show,

For the Vietnam Vet...It was not.

Dave/11bravovet 2-09-1998


oak grove

Have you ever paused in quiet times, just to think about the past?

Recalling moments that touch you so, of memories that last.

Rewinding things that made you smile, replaying times of joy.

You'll understand these simple lines, Your Soldier, once a boy.

I grew up in a modest home, that love made a Palace grand.

Those family values have been my guide, I know you understand.

My Mother gave me a sense of faith, my Father paved the way.

How many out there-would love to be -where we are now today.

So cherish every moment you have, realize that we are blessed.

And pause more often to reflect,

The score on a Grander test.




A waterfall still continues, the rivers still run true.

The Canada's cup their wings at sunset, played out in every hue.

The Eagle climbs the skies on wind,

To listen to his scream.

Reassuring those below, to never lose the dream.

Though old someday with wrinkled brow, I'll still know I wasn't wrong.

And days will pass with simple things,

Each night will be too long.

I hope to fill those days on streams, pursuing a life-long wish,

Of holding on to happiness, and releasing every fish.

And when I pass and no one knew,

Who I was or why.

Maybe the Eagle will remember me, or maybe the Wolf will cry.

And those still left who knew the dream, if not by my side that day,

Will remember the River's mixture,

It will always be that way.


Little Boys

One day you'll look and I'll be gone, One day I'll say good-bye.

And tears that flow so freely now, On whiskered cheeks are dry.

So hold me close and sing to me, Enjoy my every day.

Forgive me all my little faults, And watch me as I play.

For little boys grow quickly now, and when you look again.

The backyard swing and tricycles, are seldom thoughts of men.

So tuck me in and kiss my cheek, Stay with me now I cry.

'Cause I would like to stay this young,

Understand me when I try.

But...One day you'll look and I'll be gone...

One day I'll wave Good-bye!

Dave/11bravovet 02-07-1998..For Gene & Denise.

Angels Walking

Have you ever walked alone your life, and suddenly paused to hear.

A voice that seemed to call your name, that seemed so very near.

Can't say...imagined thought, you think.

I've cried for help so many times, but why now on the brink?

Protect, curl-up, close ranks, with-draw,

Throw out this haunting thought.

Stifle the scream, hide the pain, of what your life has wrought.

But they persist, and follow you, make you believe ...cave in.

With vision here, unexpected sound there, you know ...they'll always win.

So heed well what the Angels say, listen to the breeze.

That softly touches upon your cheek, and stirs the autumn leaves.

Go in Peace and hurt no more. We're with you now...they say.

Start anew...start right now...

For My sake,.....Start Today.


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