The Kidz are People Too Page

What's New at This Website

I would love it if YOU would contribute to this site!!! Please, I would love any stories or poems on pregnancy, childbirth, parenting, or anything else you think would fit well on my website. Helpful hints are great, too. I add to this website almost daily (I try to update the "what's new" page weekly), and I'd love to add something by YOU!! E-mail me at

December 9, 1999

Divided Siblings at Birth Page into two pages so hopefully it will load up quicker now.
Added a mom's experience to the Siblings at Birth Page: Others Share Their Experiences.

A while ago I updated the Waterbirth page. I'll probably work some more on that article someday. :)

November 18, 1999

Updated Siblings at Birth page.
Updated Calvin's Page.

October 22, 1999

Added two new stories to the Toddler Nursing Testimonials page.

October 20, 1999

Ian's Birth

October 15, 1999

I added a pregnancy background with matching buttons to the Pregnancy Backgrounds page

. October 10, 1999

I added bunch of new links to the page which lists sites that put one or more of the parenting logos on their page...

September 17, 1999

New Toddler Nursing Testimonial added.

September 13, 1999

Plan B Still Works: Mary’s Birth Story by Brenda

September 8, 1999

There are two new stories on the Toddler Nursing Testimonials page. (In case you've never visited, this section of my site is where moms tell why they nurse a toddler.)

And just so I don't forget, I'll share the news that Calvin (will be 9 months old next week) has three teeth now and is really starting to get the hang of crawling (he started this past week and really did well tonight before he went to bed)! He also is pulling up now (he started this a little over a week ago) and this afternoon I went to get him after woke from his nap and he was *sitting* on the bed (so now he's learned to get to the sitting position all by himself). He is very vocal and very cute!

September 2, 1999

Well, now my excuse for not updating these pages is... that I've been busy working on my other sites!! I've moved the Gentle Christian Mother pages to their own website at

Also, I've been writing articles for I am contributing editor for the topic "Infants."

I just haven't felt like doing much to these pages recently. I'll try to get to them soon.

July 18, 1999

Sorry I haven't added any updates to this page in awhile. I was going to move my site to another server because of the new Yahoo!Geocities Terms of Service, and was actually in the process of moving, but then they changed the TOS. I think they are acceptable now, so I am going to stay here. I got all burnt out worrying about where I would move and trying to move. Hopefully I will be able to list something new soon.

June 13, 1999

Awhile ago I added some new graphics to the parenting logo page. Today, I added some new links on the page that lists sites that have one or more of the logos on their page...

June 6, 1999

Added some new Baby Backgrounds to my free graphics pages.

June 4, 1999

Updated the journal on Calvin's Page.

June 2, 1999

Updated the cloth diaper page.

May 31, 1999

I updated these pages in the Toddlers section of my website:

  • Sleep: Other Parents' Thoughts
  • Activities
  • Disciplining Toddlers

    May 28, 1999

    I am updating my Resources for Stay at Home Parents page. I'm not quite done yet; I'll let you know when I am. :) If anyone knows of any good resources, I'll all ears. :)

    May 26, 1999

    It's been about half a year since I last did it (my, how time flies!!), but I finally updated the Nursing Code Words Page. I also moved the nursing code word stories to their own page (I still have a few more stories to add). Now would be a good time to share your child's nursing code word! E-mail me at

    I'm going to try and start updating this page again!! Look for new additions soon.

    Meanwhile, take a look at Calvin's birthstory.

    Here's Calvin's Page where I keep a journal about our life with a new baby.

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    Copyright 1996-1999 by mykidzmom

    The Kidz are People Too Page